Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance,
Stockholm School of Economics

No 393: A Combinatorial Approach to Piecewise Linear Time Series Analysis

Marcelo Medeiros (, Alvaro Veiga ( and Mauricio Resende (
Additional contact information
Marcelo Medeiros: Dept. of Economic Statistics, Stockholm School of Economics, Postal: Stockholm School of Economics, P.O. Box 6501, S-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden
Alvaro Veiga: Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Postal: Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, 22453-900
Mauricio Resende: Information Sciences Research Center, Algorithms and Optimization Research Department, Postal: AT&T Labs Research, Room C241, 180 Park Avenue, P. O. Box 971, Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971, USA

Abstract: Over recent years, several nonlinear time series models have been proposed in the literature. One model that has found a large number of successful applications is the threshold autoregressive model (TAR). The TAR model is a piecewise linear process whose central idea is to change the parameters of a linear autoregressive model according to the value of an observable variable, called the threshold variable. If this variable is a lagged value of the time series, the model is called a self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) model. In this paper, we propose a heuristic to estimate a more general SETAR model, where the thresholds are multivariate. We formulated the task of finding multivariate thresholds as a combinatorial optimization problem. We developed an algorithm based on a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) to solve the problem. GRASP is an iterative randomized sampling technique that has been shown to quickly produce good quality solutions for a wide variety of optimization problems. The proposed model performs well on both simulated and real data.

Keywords: nonlinear time series; piecewise linear models; combinatorial optimization; search heuristic; GRASP

JEL-codes: C22; C51

30 pages, June 26, 2000

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Published as
Marcelo Medeiros, Alvaro Veiga and Mauricio Resende, (2002), 'A Combinatorial Approach to Piecewise Linear Time Series Analysis', Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, vol 11, no 1, pages 236-258

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