Gauss code for Eklof, J and S Karlsson, "Testing and Correcting for Sample Selection Bias in Discrete Choice Contingent Valuation Studies". The sim*.g files run the simulations for the specified value of rho (the correlation between the equations) for each of the cases discussed in the paper. Case 3a corresponds to Case 3 with delta = -0.5 in the paper and 3b corresponds to delta = 0.5. Each simulation run saves the results to a large (about 2.5 MB) *.fmt file and the res*.g file calculates the summary statistics given in the paper. The zip-file contains a Gauss-library implementing the the tests and estimators used in the paper. A few additional limited observability estimators are also implemented as well as univariate logit and probit. Put the *.lcg file in your GAUSS\LIB directory and the remaining files in the GAUSS\SRC directory. Sune Karlsson,