panel.src routines for calculating the gradient, likelihood and information matrix of the standard two-way random effects model and the suggested models with AR(1) or MA(1) time specific effect. There are also a routine for the LSDV estimator of the two-way fixed effects model and a routine for calculating the LM-test of no AR(1) or no MA(1). cmlpanar.src is the bulk of the code for the Monte Carlo experiment with with an AR(1) process for the time specific effect. See this for an example of useage of the routines in panel.src. Requires the CML library. m1v1r0.g is an example driver file for running the Monte Carlo experiment for the AR(1) process and specific combination of parameters. cmlpanma.src is the bulk of the code for the Monte Carlo experiment with with an MA(1) process for the time specific effect. See this for an example of useage of the routines in panel.src. Requires the CML library. m1v1r0m.g is an example driver file for running the Monte Carlo experiment for the MA(1) process and specific combination of parameters.