Teis Lunde Lømo ()
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Teis Lunde Lømo: Department of Economics, University of Bergen, Postal: Post Box 7800, 5020 Bergen, Norway
Abstract: I study one manufacturer that contracts secretly with two risk averse retailers that face uncertain demand. The need for risk sharing limits the manufacturer’s scope for opportunistic deviations. If retail competition is fierce, the manufacturer’s profit increases with the levels of risk aversion and uncertainty, i.e., there is no trade-off between risk sharing and industry efficiency. The results are consistent with stylized facts from empirical and experimental research on vertical relations, including the negative correlation between vertical integration and uncertainty.
Keywords: Vertically related markets; contracting externalities; imperfect information; risk sharing
JEL-codes: D81; L14; L42; L60; L81
25 pages, December 21, 2015
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