Aline Bütikofer (), Rita Ginja (), Fanny Landaud () and Katrine V. Løken ()
Additional contact information
Aline Bütikofer: Norwegian School of Economics, Postal: Department of Economics, , Norwegian School of Economics, , Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Norway
Rita Ginja: University of Bergen, Department of Economics, Postal: Institutt for økonomi, Universitetet i Bergen, Postboks 7802, 5020 Bergen, Norway
Fanny Landaud: Norwegian School of Economics, Postal: Department of Economics, , Norwegian School of Economics, , Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Norway
Katrine V. Løken: Norwegian School of Economics, Postal: Department of Economics, , Norwegian School of Economics, , Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Norway
Abstract: Although many students suffer from anxiety and depression, and students often identify school pressure and concerns about their futures as the main reasons for their worries, little is known about the consequences of a selective school environment on students’ physical and mental health. In this paper, we draw on rich administrative data and the features of the high school assignment system in the largest Norwegian cities to consider the long-term consequences of enrollment in a more selective high school. Using a regression discontinuity analysis, we show that eligibility to enroll in a more selective high school increases the probability of enrollment in higher education and decreases the probability of diagnosis or treatment by a general Medical practitioner for psychological symptoms and diseases. We further document that enrolling in a more selective high school has a greater positive impact when there are larger changes in the student–teacher ratio, teachers’ age, and the proportion of female teachers. These findings suggest that changes in teacher characteristics are important for better understanding the effects of a more selective school environment.
Keywords: Parental Leave; Firm-Specific Human Capital; Statistical Discrimination; School Selectivity; Peers; Mental Health
JEL-codes: I12; I21; I24; J13; J16; J21; J22; J31
60 pages, October 12, 2020
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