Charlie Karlsson () and Philippe Rouchy ()
Additional contact information
Charlie Karlsson: CITR, Blekinge Inst of Technology, Postal: CITR (Center for Innovation and Technology Research), Department of Industrial Economics, Blekinge Inst of Technology, 371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden
Philippe Rouchy: CITR, Blekinge Inst of Technology, Postal: CITR (Center for Innovation and Technology Research), Department of Industrial Economics, Blekinge Inst of Technology, 371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden
Abstract: Large media clusters have emerged in a limited number of large cities, characterizing the geographical concentration of the global media industry. This paper starts by exploring the effect of the rapid advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) had on the media economy. It concludes that the role of the “weightless economy” on media cluster has enhanced its production and distribution functions. We review the specificities of media cluster that ties agglomeration to creative, diversified attributes of production and distribution. The implication is that media firms hold strong tendencies to cluster in urban regions since they make full usage of its resources, namely its export capabilities and import transformation strength. Finally, we invite researchers to consider Jacobs’ metropolitan and global reciprocating system of city growth as a valid unit for analysing media clusters. The question leads envisaging if media clusters' strong metropolitan base allows them to grow further through globalised circuits. The paper concludes that large, media clusters drive on intellectually dense network of information, which can only be cultivated through large agglomerations existing capabilities. Consequently, the research question focuses upon the economic role of knowledge in media creation and export replacement. We emphasize the strength of Jacob’s model of media cluster for understanding its mechanism of value creation and endogenous system of globalisation.
Keywords: Clustering; media industry; agglomeration; weightless economy; creative industry; globalization; regional development
44 pages, March 31, 2014
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