No 2002-9: Pensionsafkastbeskatning og optimal porteføljesammensætning
Jonas Aziz Bhatti and Michael Møller
No 2002-8: Output and Expected Returns - a multicountry study
Jesper Rangvid
No 2002-7: Optionsaflønning i danske børsnoterede selskaber
Ken L. Bechmann and Peter Løchte Jørgensen
No 2002-5: Impact of Takeover Defenses on Managerial Incentives
Caspar Rose
No 2002-4: Stochastic Volatility and Seasonality in Commodity Futures and Options: The Case of Soybeans
Martin Richter and Carsten Sørensen
No 2002-3: Foundation ownership and financial performance. Do companies need owners?
Steen Thomsen and Caspar Rose
No 2002-2: Price and Volume Effects Associated with Changes in the Danish Blue-Chip Index - The KFX Index
Ken L. Bechmann
No 2002-1: On valuation before and after tax in no arbitrage models: Tax neutrality in the discrete time model.
Bjarne Astrup Jensen
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