Hans Lööf ()
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Hans Lööf: CESIS - Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies, Royal Institute of Technology, Postal: CESIS - Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies, Royal Institute of Technology, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract: This paper serves as another complementary link in a chain of a rather limited number of investigations in the R&D-innovation-productivity relationship within service industries. Innovation has been found to be a major contributor to productivity growth in manufacturing. In this paper, the importance of innovation is explored by comparing manufacturing and service firms in a sample of knowledge intensive industries. In particular we intend to find evidence on the following two issues. First, is there any evidence that the reported weak rate of productivity growth in knowledge intensive services can be explained by a low propensity to be innovative? Second, is it possible that knowledge intensive service firms are less efficient in deriving benefits from innovation than knowledge intensive manufacturing firms? Empirical results based on innovation survey data indicate a surprising similarity in innovation performance between the two categories of firms.
Keywords: Productivity; Innovation; Manufacturing; Services; Applied Econometrics
JEL-codes: C31; D24; L60; L80; O31
28 pages, January 28, 2004
Note: Forthcoming
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