Christian Pfeifer () and Joachim Wagner ()
Additional contact information
Christian Pfeifer: Leuphana University Lueneburg and IZA, Postal: Leuphana University Lueneburg and IZA, Bonn , Institute of Economics, P.O. Box 2440, D-21314 Lueneburg, Germany
Joachim Wagner: Leuphana University Lueneburg, CESIS, Postal: Leuphana University Lueneburg, CESIS,, Stockholm and IZA, Bonn, Institute of Economics, P.O. Box 2440, D-21314 Lueneburg, Germany
Abstract: This empirical research note documents the relationship between composition of a firm's workforce (with a special focus on age and gender) and its performance with respect to innovative activities (outlays and employment in research and development (R&D)) for a large representative sample of enterprises from manufacturing industries in Germany using unique newly available data. We find that firms with a higher share of older workers have significantly lower proportions of R&D outlays in total revenues and of R&D employment in total employment, whereas firms with a higher share of female employment seem to be more active in R&D.
Keywords: Ageing; firm performance; gender; Germany; innovation; R&D
JEL-codes: D22; D24; J21; J24; L25
14 pages, December 6, 2012
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