Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Discussion Papers,
Statistics Norway, Research Department

No 405: Retirement Behavior of Working Couples in Norway. A Dynamic Programming Approach

Zhiyang Jia ()
Additional contact information
Zhiyang Jia: Statistics Norway

Abstract: This paper aims to provide an empirical analysis of the joint retire ment behavior of working couples in Norway. A dynamic programming model is speci.ed and estimated on micro data. The estimation results show that a model, which uses only measures of economic incentives: wages and pension benefits gives a satisfactory fit to the observed retirement pattern. The results also indicate that husbands have higher bargaining power within the household. A hypothetical policy simulation shows that by taxing pension bene.ts as wage income, the labor market participation of both husbands and wives will increase around 4 percentage points at age 65.

Keywords: Household Retirement; Dynamic Programming

JEL-codes: J26 February 2005

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