Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance,
Stockholm School of Economics

No 495: Gender and the Internet

Hiroshi Ono () and Madeline Zavodny ()
Additional contact information
Hiroshi Ono: Texas A&M University, Postal: Department of Sociology, 416 Academic Building, College Station, TX 77843-4351, USA
Madeline Zavodny: Agnes Scott College, Postal: Department of Economics, Box 1189 , 141 E. College Ave., Decatur, Georgia 30030, USA

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: This article examines whether there are differences in men fs and women fs use of the Internet and whether any such gender gaps have changed in recent years. METHODS: We use data from several surveys during the period 1997 to 2001 to show trends in Internet usage and to estimate regression models of Internet usage that control for individuals f socioeconomic characteristics. RESULTS: Women were significantly less likely than men to use the Internet at all in the mid-1990s, but this gender gap in being online disappeared by 2000. However, once online, women remain less frequent and less intense users of the Internet. CONCLUSIONS: There is little reason for concern about sex inequalities in Internet access and usage now, but gender differences in frequency and intensity of Internet usage remain.

Keywords: Internet; gender; race

JEL-codes: J15; J16; L86; O33

17 pages, First version: March 15, 2002. Revised: August 19, 2002. Earlier revisions: August 19, 2002.

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Published as
Hiroshi Ono and Madeline Zavodny, (2003), 'Gender and the Internet', Social Science Quarterly, vol 84, no 1, pages 111-121

Questions (including download problems) about the papers in this series should be directed to Helena Lundin ()
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