Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift,
Nationaløkonomisk Forening

On the importance of school-based inputs in the production of student achievement: Evidence in a recent Scandinavian context

2017, Volume 2017, issue 1, pp. 22

Anne Brink Nandrup ()
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Anne Brink Nandrup: Aarhus University, Postal: Department of Economics and Business Economics

Abstract: This paper summarises and interprets findings from the recent Scandinavian and international literature on the effects of school inputs in the general framework of a production function for cognitive achievement. Although the literature previously has been somewhat inconclusive, evidence using improved methodology and research designs largely supports an emerging consensus that direct school-based inputs may be adjusted to improve student achievement. Simultaneously, a growing body of research finds that parents respond to changes in school inputs, which may crowd-out the effect of additional school resources.

Keywords: Knowledge production function; Instruction time; Class size; Teacher aide; Parental response; School resources

JEL-codes: D01; H52; I20; I28

Language: English

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