Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift,
Nationaløkonomisk Forening

Hvad bestemmer ejerboligandelen i danske kommuner?

2008, Volume 2008, issue 1, pp. 1-21

Jørgen Lauridsen (), Niels Nannerup () and Morten Skak ()
Additional contact information
Jørgen Lauridsen: Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning – Sundhedsøkonomi, Syddansk Universitet, Postal: J.B. Winsløws Vej 9, indgang B, 1. Sal, , 5000 Odense C, , Danmark
Niels Nannerup: Institut for Virksomhedsledelse og Økonomi, Syddansk Universitet, Postal: Campusvej 55, , Odense M 5230, , Danamrk
Morten Skak: Institut for Virksomhedsledelse og Økonomi, Syddansk Universitet, Postal: Campusvej 55, , Odense M 5230, , Danamrk

Abstract: The study investigates conditions affecting the choice of owning or renting homes. Based on theoretical predictions a model for the proportion of home owners is estimated using aggregated data for 270 Danish municipalities observed annually from 1999 to 2004. An initial model estimates the effects of the determinants separately for each year, after which presence of variation in these effects are modelled using interac tions with a time trend. After these adjustments an empirical model is ob - tained which satisfactorily describes the effects of the determinants as well as the changes over time in these effects. Determinants for home ownership include prices and their short and medium term changes, public regulation, competition from alternative tenure forms, the socioeconomic composition of the population, economic ability and congestion.

Keywords: ejerboliger; ejerboligandelen; byplanlægning; kommuner

JEL-codes: A10

Language: Danish

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