Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift,
Nationaløkonomisk Forening

School Resources and Non-Cognitive Outputs from Schooling

2004, Volume 2004, issue 1, pp. 274-300

Beatrince Schindler Rangvid ()
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Beatrince Schindler Rangvid: Amternes og Kommunernes Forskningsinstitut

Abstract: Denmark is a country with high levels of education expenditure. However, at international assessments of students' skills in reading, mathematics and science, Denmark performes only at the OECD average. A relevant question to ask is: when the Danish school ressources are not producing (superior) cognitive skills, are they producing something else? Over and above from teaching students cognitive skills, the Danish Education Act requires schools to provide their students with non-cognitive skills like eg. imagination, being able to form independent judgements, active participation and joint responsibility. Furthermore, providing educational and occupational guidance is mandatory for primary schools. Therefore, alternative outputs from primary schooling considered in this study are a variety of non-cognitive skills, aspects concerning the educational choice process and educational guidance. Ordered probit models are estimated using survey data combined with data from the administrative registers from Statistics Denmark. The results are disappointing. School resources cannot be shown to be significant predictors of these alternative student outcomes. I conclude discussing data limitations and other methodological challenges for the estimation of production functions for non-cognitive skills.

Keywords: education; resources

JEL-codes: A10

Language: English

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