Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift,
Nationaløkonomisk Forening

Uddannelse, beskæftigelse og økonomisk vækst

2002, Volume 2002, issue 1, pp. 1-17

Svend E. Hougaard Jensen () and Anders Sørensen ()
Additional contact information
Svend E. Hougaard Jensen: CEBR, Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriet, og EPRU, Københavns Universitet, Postal: 4 Bath St, London EC1V 9DX, Storbritannien
Anders Sørensen: CEBR, Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriet, Postal: 4 Bath St, London EC1V 9DX, Storbritannien

Abstract: This paper reports evidence on relative demand shifts for different educational groups of the workforce within the private sector in Denmark over the period 1980-98. It is shown that (i) the demand for more educated labour accelerated substantially during the 1980s and slowed in the 1990s; (ii) the relative demand for educated labour increased monotonically with the length of the course of education; (iii) within higher education groups, demand for labour with specialties in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences increased by relatively more than that for labour with technical training; and (iv) the relative demand shifts for educated labour have contributed to output growth in the order of at least 15 percent over the period 1980-98.

Keywords: arbejdsmarkedet; uddannelse

JEL-codes: A10

Language: Danish

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