Finn Olesen ()
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Finn Olesen: Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse, Aalborg Universitet, Postal: Fibigerstræde 2, 9220 Aalborg,
Abstract: In his struggle to get acknowledgement as a theoretical as well as a more descriptive working Jens Warming in 1925-26 wrote a contribution to a Thesis Competition on The Theory of Wages in 1925-26. Although Warming today is known as one of many pre Keynesian writers in the late 1920s and early 1930s, The Theory of Wages is much more main stream neoclassical than pre Keynesian in its content as is shown in the present article. However, in 1931, when Warming once again took up the que - stion of the theory of wages his views had changed somewhat. Now his focus was more macroeconomic than microeconomic orientated.
Keywords: The Theory of Wages
JEL-codes: A10
Language: Danish
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