Mikael Svensson () and Mattias Persson ()
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Mikael Svensson: Dept. of Economics, Postal: Dept of Economics, Karlstad University, Universitetsgatan 1, SE 651 88 Karlstad, Sweden
Mattias Persson: Örebro University
Abstract: We use a discrete choice experiment conducted in Sweden to elicit the willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce school bullying. The estimations indicate a mean marginal WTP of 5.95 to 8.48 Swedish kronor (€0.66 to €0.95), which implies that the aggregate WTP for each reduced statistical victim of bullying (the value of a statistical bullying-victim - VSBV) is 585,090 to 835,280 Swedish kronor (€65,446 to €93,431). The results may be used to conduct economic evaluations of antibullying programs, with an example shown in this paper, and provide policymakers with useful information on taxpayers’ preferred allocations to antibullying programs
Keywords: Willingness to Pay; Discrete Choice Experiment; Bullying; School; Adolescents
24 pages, April 2, 2012
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