Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Working Paper Series,
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, School of Economics and Business

No 6-2020: Marks of distinction: Branding responses to market logics in schools

Dag Yngve Dahle ()
Additional contact information
Dag Yngve Dahle: School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Postal: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, School of Economics and Business, P.O. Box 5003 NMBU, N-1432 Ås, Norway

Abstract: This study explores how public sector schools respond to marketization, especially related to branding strategies, and the consequences for governance and administraton of schools. Findings are analyzed in light of institutional logics theory. Drawing on a diverse set of data on public upper secondary schools in Oslo, Norway, the study reveals that market position dictates schools' responses to marketization, as privileged schools demonstrate branding of a more differentating character than the more generic branding of marginalized schools. Another finding is that marketization makes branding an inescapable feature of running a school. Consequently, a negative response, such as to avoid or defy branding, is not a realistic option for schools. For governance measures, however, it seems to be an effective marketization tool. However, as school responses are dictated by market position and economical resources, marginalized schools may become even more marginalized. The negative spiral represents a challenge to public administrators' effective governance of schools.

Keywords: Public sector branding; organizational branding; school marketization; institutional logics

JEL-codes: I28

25 pages, September 17, 2020

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