Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

HERO Online Working Paper Series,
University of Oslo, Health Economics Research Programme

No 2005:7: Pecuniary compensation increases the participation rate in screening for colorectal cancer

Eline Aas (
Additional contact information
Eline Aas: Institute of Health Management and Health Economics, Postal: P.O. Box 1089 Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Abstract: Typically, the participation rate is below 100 per cent. In this paper pecuniary compensation is used to increase the participation rate. In a postal questionnaire to 5,000 people invited to screening for colorectal cancer, those not participating were asked "would you participate if you were given NOK X in compensation?"

The results show that compensation increases participation and that the participation probability systematically varies with travel expenses, income, age, county, native country, marital status, use of health care services, genetic predisposition, expected benefit from the screening, subjective health status, and education. The estimated costs per additional screening are increasing

Keywords: participation; willingness-to pay; compensation; costs; binary probit

JEL-codes: C25; H42; H43; I10

43 pages, June 7, 2009

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