Daria Finocchiaro () and Philippe Weil ()
Additional contact information
Daria Finocchiaro: Research Department, Central Bank of Sweden, Postal: Sveriges Riksbank, SE-103 37 Stockholm, Sweden
Philippe Weil: Université libre de Bruxelles and CEPR
Abstract: We investigate the growth-finance nexus in an endogenous growth model with search frictions and congestion effects in credit and innovation markets. The interplay between these two frictions generates a nonlinear relationship between finance and growth. Financial development eases the financing of innovation but can exacerbate bottlenecks in R&D. In a calibration close to the U.S. economy, finance has a negative impact on growth. This effect is quantitatively small– consistent with the observation that, in the last century, most developed economies have experienced an expansion of the financial sector and almost constant growth rates of GDP.
Keywords: Growth; Finance; Search frictions; Technology; Innovation
Language: English
57 pages, October 1, 2024
Full text files
no.-442-a-traffic-jam-theory-of-growth.pdfFull text
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