Astrid Kiil () and Kjeld Møller Pedersen ()
Additional contact information
Astrid Kiil: University of Southern Denmark - Research Unit for Health Economics, Postal: J. B. Winsløwsvej 9b, 1., 5000 Odense C, Denmark,
Kjeld Møller Pedersen: University of Southern Denmark - Research Unit for Health Economics, Postal: J. B. Winsløwsvej 9b, 1., 5000 Odense C, Denmark,
Abstract: The Danish Survey on Voluntary Health Insurance 2009 is a cross sectional survey of the Danish population aged 18-75, and it is undertaken by Professor Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Associate professor Jacob Nielsen Arendt, and PhD student Astrid Kiil in collaboration with YouGov Zapera Ltd. The purpose of the survey is to collect data which are suitable for analysing the determinants for voluntary health insurance coverage and various effects of being covered by this type of insurance. The data are collected using an Internet-based questionnaire, which is distributed via YouGov Zapera’s Denmark panel. Before it was sent out, the questionnaire was subject to a preliminary pilot survey, expert reviews, and a final pilot survey with n=106. In June 2009, a sample of 13246 respondents selected in order to reflect the composition of the population with respect to gender, age, and geography was invited to participate in the survey. From this sample 5447 respondents answered the questionnaire completely, corresponding to a response rate of 41%. The overall representativity of the Danish Survey on Voluntary Health Insurance 2009 is reasonable. Individuals with a low education level are, however, severely underrepresented.
Keywords: Survey; Health Insurance
JEL-codes: G22
88 pages, June 25, 2010
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