No 2015:11: Seasonality in the Frequency of Price Change and Optimal Monetary Policy
Johan Söderberg
No 2015:10: Mismatch of Talent Evidence on Match Quality, Entry Wages, and Job Mobility
Peter Fredriksson, Lena Hensvik and Oskar Nordström Skans
No 2015:9: Parental responses to public investments in children: Evidence from a maximum class size rule
Peter Fredriksson, Bjorn Ockert and Hessel Oosterbeek
No 2015:8: Health, Work Capacity and Retirement in Sweden
Per Johansson, Lisa Laun and Marten Palme
No 2015:7: Gender and altruism in a random sample
Anne Boschini, Anna Dreber, Emma von Essen, Astri Muren and Eva Ranehill
No 2015:6: Education and Criminal Behavior: Insights from an Expansion of Upper Secondary School
Olof Åslund, Hans Grönqvist, Caroline Hall and Jonas Vlachos
No 2015:5: Stocks and GDP in the long run
Annika Alexius and Daniel Spång
No 2015:4: Firms and skills: the evolution of worker sorting
Christina Håkanson, Erik Lindqvist and Jonas Vlachos
No 2015:3: Dynamic Banking with Endogenous Risk Based Funding Cost: Value Maximization, Risk-taking, Responses to Regulation and Credit Contraction
Bo Larsson and Hans Wijkander
No 2015:2: Why are firms that export cleaner? International trade, Abatement and Environmental Emissions
Rikard Forslid, Toshihiro Okubo and Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe
No 2015:1: Fair prices, sticky information, and the business cycle
Johan Söderberg
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