Mats Hammarstedt ()
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Mats Hammarstedt: Centre for Labour Market Policy Research (CAFO), Postal: Centre for Labour Market Policy Research (CAFO), Dept of Economics and Statistics, School of Management and Economics, Växjö University , SE 351 95 Växjö, Sweden
Abstract: This paper studies intergenerational mobility among three generations of male immigrants in Sweden. We find a regression towards the native mean in earnings between immigrants and natives across the first two generations and a divergence in earnings between immigrants and natives across the second and the third generation. On average, a 3 per cent earnings advantage compared to natives for first-generation immigrants is reversed to a 6 per cent earnings disadvantage compared to natives for third generation immigrants. The results of the study indicate that ethnic differences in labour market outcomes may occur also beyond the second generation of immigrants.
Keywords: immigrants; intergenerational earnings mobility
29 pages, August 1, 2007
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