Jonas Månsson () and Jan Ottoson ()
Additional contact information
Jonas Månsson: Centre for Labour Market Policy Research (CAFO), Postal: Centre for Labour Market Policy Research (CAFO), School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University , SE 351 95 Växjö, Sweden
Jan Ottoson: Uppsala University, Postal: Department of Economic History , Uppsala University , Box 513, SE 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden
Abstract: Using a rich data set on all registered Swedish part-time unemployed in 2003 we aim at identify individual characteristics that affect the probability of leaving part-time unemployment—from the perspective of whether part-time work serves as a transition mechanism offering access to the core labour market of full-time jobs, a stepping stone to the labour market, or if it is a dead end. The results of the study indicate clearly that there are groups for whom part-time employment cannot be considered as offering access to the market of full-time jobs—for them, part-time employment is a dead end. This is true especially for women and handicapped persons but also for part-time employed with unemployment benefit. Therefore, our policy recommendations are to strengthen placement and counselling services to these groups and to closely follow up and control the search process among those who are entitled to compensation from the unemployment insurance.
Keywords: part-time; unemployment
JEL-codes: E24
19 pages, November 21, 2010
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