Ewa Lazarczyk
Additional contact information
Ewa Lazarczyk: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Postal: P.O. Box 55665, SE-102 15 Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract: This paper is an empirical investigation of how traders react to public news in a market where there are lots of non-scheduled announcements, often arriving simultaneously. Using detailed trade information from the Nordic intra-day electricity market and GARCH models, this paper examines market participants’ reaction to news about sudden production and transmission failures on the electricity grid. I divide the time of news announcement into three phases: the preannouncement period – the interval up to one hour before the hour of the public announcement of a message, the contemporaneous period – the same hour as the announcement of a message, and the post-announcement period – one hour after the hour of the announcement of a message. I find effect of news on prices in the preannouncement period, indicating that private information exists and is being used for trading on the intra-day market.
Keywords: Private information; Public information; Non-scheduled announcements; Intra-day electricity market; Nord Pool; UMMs
Language: English
28 pages, March 27, 2015
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