Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Working Paper Series,
Research Institute of Industrial Economics

No 1073: Swedish Lessons: How Important are ICT and R&D to Economic Growth?

Harald Edquist ( and Magnus Henrekson (
Additional contact information
Harald Edquist: Ericsson Research
Magnus Henrekson: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Postal: P.O. Box 55665, SE-102 15 Stockholm, Sweden

Abstract: We investigate to what extent ICT and R&D capital is associated with value added growth in the Swedish business sector. By estimating output elasticities based on data for 47 different industries for the period 1993–2012 we show that ICT and R&D capital are significantly associated with value added for most specifications. We also divide ICT capital into hardware and software capital. To our knowledge, this distinction has not been made in any previous study at the industry level. In this case only the estimated elasticity of software is significantly different from zero. Finally, we use the growth accounting framework to compare the contribution from ICT and R&D to value added growth when output elasticities are based on either income shares or weighted least squares (WLS) estimates. The contribution of ICT to value added growth increases from 0.9 to 1.5 percentage points when WLS estimates are used instead of income shares.

Keywords: ICT; R&D; Software capital; Hardware capital; Industrial change; Panel data

JEL-codes: O14; O32; O33; O47

35 pages, First version: June 8, 2015. Revised: February 27, 2017. Earlier revisions: August 25, 2015.

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Published as
Harald Edquist and Magnus Henrekson, (2017), 'Swedish Lessons: How Important are ICT and R&D to Economic Growth?', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol 42, pages 1-12

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