Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Comparative Institutional Analysis Working Paper Series,
Lund University, Comparative Institutional Analysis, School of Economics and Management

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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last month (2024-06)

Organizational coordination and costly communication with boundedly rational agents
Jens Dietrichson, Torsten Jochem
The inequality possibility frontier: the extensions and new applications
Branko Milanovic

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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last 3 months (2024-04 to 2024-06)

Organizational coordination and costly communication with boundedly rational agents
Jens Dietrichson, Torsten Jochem
The inequality possibility frontier: the extensions and new applications
Branko Milanovic

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Top papers by Downloads last 3 months (2024-04 to 2024-06)

Organizational coordination and costly communication with boundedly rational agents
Jens Dietrichson, Torsten Jochem
The inequality possibility frontier: the extensions and new applications
Branko Milanovic

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Top papers by Abstract Accesses all months (from 2013-08)

Organizational coordination and costly communication with boundedly rational agents
Jens Dietrichson, Torsten Jochem
The inequality possibility frontier: the extensions and new applications
Branko Milanovic

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Top papers by Downloads all months (from 2013-08)

Organizational coordination and costly communication with boundedly rational agents
Jens Dietrichson, Torsten Jochem
The inequality possibility frontier: the extensions and new applications
Branko Milanovic

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Questions (including download problems) about the papers in this series should be directed to Christer Gunnarsson ()
Report other problems with accessing this service to Sune Karlsson ().

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