Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Working Papers,
Lund University, Department of Economics

No 2005:13: Temporary Jobs and On-the-Job Training in Sweden - A Negative Nexus?

Mårten Wallette ()
Additional contact information
Mårten Wallette: Department of Economics, Lund University, Postal: Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Box 7082, S-220 07 Lund, Sweden

Abstract: This paper investigates temporary jobs and on-the-job training in the Swedish labour market during the 1990s. The analysis focuses on how the incidence and the amount of OJT differ between workers who hold temporary jobs vis-à-vis workers who hold open-ended jobs. An important aspect is also possible disparities between the genders, and between native Swedes and foreign-born workers. The results show that the incidence of OJT for temporary jobholders is lower than for corresponding open-ended jobholders. However, conditional on a worker receives OJT, it is not automatically the case that the amount of OJT is lower for all temporary jobholders. Further, the amount of OJT received by female workers is, in general, lower than for comparable male workers. Foreign-born workers (regardless of gender) have a lower incidence of OJT, but conditioned on that they receive OJT the amount is (for foreign born males in particular) often higher than for Swedish-born workers.

Keywords: Temporary Jobs; On-the-Job Training; Incidence; Gender

JEL-codes: J21; J40; J50

18 pages, January 31, 2005

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