No 21/2021: The Effect of Labor Market Shocks Across the Life Cycle
Kjell G. Salvanes, Barton Willage and Alexander Willén
No 20/2021: Bank consolidation, interest rates, and risk: A post-merger analysis based on loan-level data from the corporate sector
Steffen Juranek, Øivind A. Nilsen and Simen A. Ulsaker
No 19/2021: Prison, Mental Health and Family Spillovers
Manudeep Bhuller, Laura Khoury and Katrine V. Løken
No 18/2021: Financial Instability and Banking Crises in a small open economy
Ola Honningdal Grytten
No 17/2021: Co-location, good, bad or both: How does new entry of discount variety store affect local grocery business?
Charlotte B. Evensen, Frode Steen and Simen A. Ulsaker
No 16/2021: Behavioral Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment
Henning Hermes, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter and Simon Wiederhold
No 15/2021: Price Change Synchronization within and between Firms
Øivind A. Nilsen, Håvard Skuterud and Ingeborg Munthe-Kaas Webster
No 14/2021: The Making of Social Democracy: The Economic and Electoral Consequences of Norway’s 1936 Folk School Reform
Daron Acemoglu, Tuomas Pekkarinen, Kjell G. Salvanes and Matti Sarvimäki
No 13/2021: The impact of targeting technologies and consumer multi-homing on digital platform competition
Charlotte Bjørnhaug Evensen and Atle Haugen
No 12/2021: Resource Rent, Environment and Ethics in Norwegian Petroleum Policy
John A. Hunnes and Ola Honningdal Grytten
No 11/2021: Material resources and well-being — Evidence from an Ethiopian housing lottery
Asbjørn G. Andersen, Andreas Kotsadam and Vincent Somville
No 10/2021: Divergent Integration
Jan I. Haaland and Ian Wooton
No 9/2021: Nepotism vs. Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital in Academia (1088–1800)
David de la Croix and Marc Goñi
No 8/2021: Fairness and Willingness to Compete
Thomas Buser, Alexander Cappelen and Bertil Tungodden
No 7/2021: Understanding the Decline in Private Sector Unionization: A Skill-based Approach
Samuel Dodini, Michael Lovenheim and Alexander Willén
No 6/2021: Size-based input price discrimination under endogenous inside options
Charlotte B. Evensen, Øystein Foros, Atle Haugen and Hans Jarle Kind
No 5/2021: How Do People Trade Off Resources Between Quick and Slow Learners?
Ranveig Falch
No 4/2021: Income Inequality and Mortality: A Norwegian Perspective
Aline Bütikofer, René Karadakic and Kjell Gunnar Salvanes
No 3/2021: Unemployment shocks, cyclical prices and shopping behavior
Thor Andreas Aursland and Frode Steen
No 2/2021: Jobs and technology in general equilibrium: A three-elasticities approach
Richard Baldwin, Jan I. Haaland and Anthony J. Venables
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