Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Oslo University, Department of Economics

No 22/2006: The Golden Age of Retirement

Line Smart Bakken
Additional contact information
Line Smart Bakken: Dept. of Economics, University of Oslo, Postal: Department of Economics, University of Oslo, P.O Box 1095 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to investigate income, saving and consumption for households around retirement age. When doing this, there are different objectives which can be analyzed. First of all it is possible to get some insight of welfare of elderly when they reach retirement. Second, it is interesting to check the predictions of the life-cycle model by investigating consumption trends of households. Register data files are used to construct households which are used in the analysis throughout the paper. Modeling was done for a particular group of Norwegian households who were tracked through their retirement transition period. For each household there are characterizations such as pension income, labor income, wealth accumulation, saving and consumption. The results show that the households increase their after tax income and consumption, and have a high level of net financial wealth. In addition is a connection between high income replacement ratio and low income before retirement found. Households who have high income replacement ratios increase consumption more than households with low income replacement. The results also suggest that retirement decisions are independent of other decision making such as consumption and saving

Keywords: Life-cycle model; pension income; households; income replacement; retirement behavior

JEL-codes: E21

44 pages, August 21, 2006

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