Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Oslo University, Department of Economics

No 05/2010: Teaching Economics as a Science: the 1930 Yale Lectures of Ragnar Frisch

Olav Bjerkholt () and Duo Qin
Additional contact information
Olav Bjerkholt: Dept. of Economics, University of Oslo, Postal: Department of Economics, University of Oslo, P.O Box 1095 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway
Duo Qin: Department of Economics, Queen Mary, University of London, Postal: Department of Economics, Queen Mary, University of London

Abstract: This paper is prepared for the forthcoming publication of Frisch’s 1930 Yale lecture notes, A Dynamic Approach to Economic Theory: The Yale Lectures of Ragnar Frisch (details at: As the lecture series was given just as the Econometric Society was founded in 1930. We provide as background, a blow-by-blow story of how the Econometric Society got founded with emphasis on Frisch’s role. We then outline how the Yale lecture notes came into being, closely connected to Frisch’s econometric work at the time. We comment upon the lectures, relating them to Frisch’s later works and, more important, to subsequent developments in economics and econometrics.

Keywords: history; econometrics

JEL-codes: B23

47 pages, April 1, 2010

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Memo-05-2010.pdf PDF-file 

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