Kun Fu (), Anne-Sophie Larsson () and Karl Wennberg ()
Additional contact information
Kun Fu: Loughborough University London, Postal: Loughborough University LondonUnited Kingdom
Anne-Sophie Larsson: The Ratio Institute, Postal: The Ratio InstituteP.O. Box 5095SE-102 42 StockholmSweden
Karl Wennberg: Linköping University and the Ratio Institute, Postal: Linköping UniversitySwedenandThe Ratio InstituteP.O. Box 5095SE-102 42 StockholmSweden
Abstract: We investigate the impact of country-level labour market regulations on the re-entry decision of experienced entrepreneurs, whereby they become habitual entrepreneurs. Multilevel logit models on entry decisions among 15,709 individuals in 29 European countries show that labour market regulations have a positive influence on the decision to re-enter into entrepreneurship. This positive impact is stronger among individuals holding wage jobs at the time of re-entry compared to those that do not. Our results indicate that novice and habitual entrepreneurs may respond very differently to labour market rigidity. We discuss and provide tentative explanations for these differences, and outline potential policy implications.
Keywords: Habitual entrepreneurship; employment; labour market rigidity; institutional context; multilevel modelling
41 pages, December 15, 2017
Full text files
kf_asl_kw_habitual_e...n_the_making_297.pdf Full text
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