Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

Ratio Working Papers,
The Ratio Institute

No 369: Spark of Transformation: The Impact of Electricity Prices on Europe's Industrial Landscape – Introducing the Green Industrial Location Attractiveness Index (GILAI).

Jonas Grafström ()
Additional contact information
Jonas Grafström: The Ratio Institute, Postal: The Ratio Institute, P.O. Box 5095, SE-102 42 Stockholm, Sweden

Abstract: This paper examines the influence of volatile electricity prices on the industrial landscape of Europe. The record-breaking prices experienced in the European wholesale electricity market throughout 2022, along with contributing factors such as the surging gas prices, nuclear power limitations, and reduced hydroelectric output, present complexities and challenges to Europe at the same time as a new wave of green industrialization is forming. Drawing from European Commission- and Eurostat data a new tool, the Green Industrial Location Attractiveness Index (GILAI) is introduced that should be helpful for predicting future green industrial establishments. The top three countries for green industrial establishments in Europe are Sweden, Finland, and Austria. A North/South European split with northern countries achieving higher rankings, while southern countries grapple with several factors. Through this analysis, the aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the evolving industrial landscape in Europe and identify strategies to enhance industry competitiveness and sustainability in the face of fluctuating electricity prices.

Keywords: Electricity; Industry; Europe; Renewable; Transformation

JEL-codes: L94; Q41; Q42; Q54

Language: English

26 pages, December 13, 2023

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wp369-green-industri...x-gilai-20231009.pdf PDF-file Full text

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