No 366: Designing a Simple Loss Function for Central Banks: Does a Dual Mandate Make Sense?
Davide Debortoli, Jinill Kim, Jesper Lindé and Ricardo Nunes
No 363: The Macroeconomic Effects of Trade Tariffs: Revisiting the Lerner Symmetry Result
Jesper Lindé and Andrea Pescatori
No 362: Identification Versus Misspecification in New Keynesian Monetary Policy Models
Malin Adolfson, Stefan Laséen, Jesper Lindé and Marco Ratto
No 361: The Housing Wealth Effect: Quasi-Experimental Evidence
Dany Kessel, Björn Tyrefors and Roine Vestman
No 360: Towards Technology-News-Driven Business Cycles
Paola Di Casola and Spyridon Sichlimiris
No 359: Diversication Advantages During the Global Financial Crisis
Mats Levander
No 358: Predictors of Bank Distress:The 1907 Crisis in Sweden
Anna Grodecka, Seán Kenny and Anders Ögren
No 357: Spread the Word: International Spillovers from Central Bank Communication
Hanna Armelius, Christoph Bertsch, Isaiah Hull and Xin Zhang
No 356: Reduced "Border Effects", FTAs and International Trade
Sebastian Franco and Erik Frohm
No 355: A shadow rate without a lower bound constraint
Rafael B. De Rezende and Annukka Ristiniemi
No 354: Trade Credit and Pricing:An Empirical Evaluation
Niklas Amberg, Tor Jacobson and Erik von Schedvin
No 353: Learning on the Job and the Cost of Business Cycles
Karl Walentin and Andreas Westermark
No 352: Conditional exchange rate pass-through: evidence from Sweden
Vesna Corbo and Paola Di Casola
No 351: The impact of monetary policy on household borrowing - a high-frequency IV identification
Maria Sandström
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