Working Paper Series,
Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden)
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last month (2024-11)
Paper | Accesses |
Price-level Targeting versus Inflation Targeting in a Forward-looking Model David Vestin | 19 |
Identification and Estimation issues in Exponential Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models Daniel Buncic | 19 |
MAJA: A two-region DSGE model for Sweden and its main trading partners Vesna Corbo, Ingvar Strid | 11 |
International business cycles: quantifying the effects of a world market for oil Johan Gars, Conny Olovsson | 9 |
Supply-Chain Finance: An Empirical Evaluation of Supplier Outcomes Niklas Amberg, Tor Jacobson, Yingjie Qi | 9 |
Bayesian forecast combination for VAR models Michael K Andersson, Sune Karlsson | 9 |
Oil prices in a real-businesscycle model with precautionary demand for oil Conny Olovsson | 9 |
Derivation and Estimation of a New Keynesian Phillips Curve in a Small Open Economy Karolina Holmberg | 8 |
The Importance of Reallocation for Productivity Growth: Evidence from European and US Banking Jaap W.B. Bos, Peter C. van Santen | 8 |
Density-Conditional Forecasts in Dynamic Multivariate Models Michael K. Andersson, Stefan Palmqvist, Daniel F. Waggoner | 8 |
Testing Theories of Job Creation: Does Supply Create Its Own Demand? Mikael Carlsson, Stefan Eriksson, Nils Gottfries | 8 |
Technology Shocks and the Labor-Input Response: Evidence from Firm-Level Data Mikael Carlsson, Jon Smedsaas | 8 |
Dynamic Credit Constraints: Theory and Evidence from Credit Lines Niklas Amberg, Tor Jacobson, Vincenzo Quadrini, Anna Rogantini Picco | 8 |
Bank Lending, Geographical Distance, and Credit risk: An Empirical Assessment of the Church Tower Principle Kenneth Carling, Sofia Lundberg | 8 |
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Top papers by Downloads last month (2024-11)
Paper | Downloads |
Optimal taxation with home production Conny Olovsson | 5 |
Introducing Financial Frictions and Unemployment into a Small Open Economy Model Lawrence J. Christiano, Mathias Trabandt, Karl Walentin | 1 |
Household Debt and Monetary Policy: Revealing the Cash-Flow Channel Martin Flodén, Matilda Kilström, Jósef Sigurdsson, Roine Vestman | 1 |
International business cycles: quantifying the effects of a world market for oil Johan Gars, Conny Olovsson | 1 |
House Prices, Home Equity, and Personal Debt Composition Jieying Li, Xin Zhang | 1 |
Earnings Inequality and the Equity Premium Karl Walentin | 1 |
Credit Risk versus Capital Requirements under Basel II: Are SME Loans and Retail Credit Really Different? Tor Jacobson, Jesper Lindé, Kasper Roszbach | 1 |
Quantitative easing and the price-liquidity trade-off Marien Ferdinandusse, Maximilian Freier, Annukka Ristiniemi | 1 |
On the effectiveness of loan-to-value regulation in a multiconstraint framework Anna Grodecka | 1 |
Price Setting Transactions and the Role of Denominating Currency in FX Markets Richard Friberg, Fredrik Wilander | 1 |
Trade Deficits in the Baltic States: How Long Will the Party Last? Rudolfs Bems, Kristian Jönsson | 1 |
Forecasting Performance of an Open Economy Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model Malin Adolfson, Jesper Lindé, Mattias Villani | 1 |
Monetary Policy and the Stock Market: Theory and Empirical Evidence Peter Sellin | 1 |
Derivation and Estimation of a New Keynesian Phillips Curve in a Small Open Economy Karolina Holmberg | 1 |
Modeling financial sector joint tail risk in the euro area André Lucas, Bernd Schwaab, Xin Zhang | 1 |
Evaluation of exchange rate forecasts for the krona’s nominal effective exchange rate Henrik Degrér, Jan Hansen, Peter Sellin | 1 |
Risks in macroeconomic fundamentals and excess bond returns predictability Rafael B. De Rezende | 1 |
Forecast Combination and Model Averaging using Predictive Measures Jana Eklund, Sune Karlsson | 1 |
Price-level Targeting versus Inflation Targeting in a Forward-looking Model David Vestin | 1 |
Biased Forecasts to Affect Voting Decisions? The Brexit Case Davide Cipullo, André Reslow | 1 |
Parameter Identification in a Estimated New Keynesian Open Economy Model Malin Adolfson, Jesper Lindé | 1 |
Bubbles and Crashes in a Behavioural Finance Model Paul De Grauwe, Marianna Grimaldi | 1 |
Structural and Cyclical Forces in the Labor Market During the Great Recession: Cross-Country Evidence Luca Sala, Ulf Söderström, Antonella Trigari | 1 |
Testing Theories of Job Creation: Does Supply Create Its Own Demand? Mikael Carlsson, Stefan Eriksson, Nils Gottfries | 1 |
Score Driven Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages and Value-at-Risk Forecasting André Lucas, Xin Zhang | 1 |
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last 3 months (2024-09 to 2024-11)
Paper | Accesses |
MAJA: A two-region DSGE model for Sweden and its main trading partners Vesna Corbo, Ingvar Strid | 38 |
Oil prices in a real-businesscycle model with precautionary demand for oil Conny Olovsson | 34 |
Price-level Targeting versus Inflation Targeting in a Forward-looking Model David Vestin | 33 |
Identification and Estimation issues in Exponential Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models Daniel Buncic | 30 |
Supply-Chain Finance: An Empirical Evaluation of Supplier Outcomes Niklas Amberg, Tor Jacobson, Yingjie Qi | 26 |
Do we need firm data to understand macroeconomic dynamics? Michele Lenza, Ettore Savoia | 25 |
Dynamic Credit Constraints: Theory and Evidence from Credit Lines Niklas Amberg, Tor Jacobson, Vincenzo Quadrini, Anna Rogantini Picco | 23 |
Monetary Policy Regimes and the Volatility of Long-Term Interest Rates Virginia Queijo von Heideken | 21 |
Real-Time Forecasting for Monetary Policy Analysis: The Case of Sveriges Riksbank Jens Iversen, Stefan Laséen, Henrik Lundvall, Ulf Söderström | 21 |
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Top papers by Downloads last 3 months (2024-09 to 2024-11)
Paper | Downloads |
Approximate dynamic programming with postdecision states as a solution method for dynamic economic models Isaiah Hull | 19 |
The cost of disinflation in a small open economy vis-à-vis a closed economy Oleksandr Faryna, Magnus Jonsson, Nadiia Shapovalenko | 14 |
Dynamic mixture-of-experts models for longitudinal and discrete-time survival data Matias Quiroz, Mattias Villani | 13 |
The Housing Wealth Effect: Quasi-Experimental Evidence Dany Kessel, Björn Tyrefors, Roine Vestman | 11 |
On the effectiveness of loan-to-value regulation in a multiconstraint framework Anna Grodecka | 10 |
Cash for Transactions or Store-of-Value? A comparative study on Sweden and peer countries Carl Andreas Claussen, Björn Segendorff, Franz Seitz | 6 |
Optimal taxation with home production Conny Olovsson | 5 |
How Much Information Do Monetary Policy Committees Disclose? Evidence from the FOMC's Minutes and Transcripts Mikael Apel, Marianna Blix Grimaldi, Isaiah Hull | 5 |
International business cycles: quantifying the effects of a world market for oil Johan Gars, Conny Olovsson | 4 |
Revisiting the Properties of Money Isaiah Hull, Or Sattath | 4 |
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Energy Conserving Subsampling Khue-Dung Dang, Matias Quiroz, Robert Kohn, Minh-Ngoc Tran, Mattias Villani | 4 |
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses all months (from 2001-10)
Paper | Accesses |
An Expectations-Augmented Phillips Curve in an Open Economy Kerstin Hallsten | 1998 |
Exchange Rate Exposure, Foreign Involvement and Currency Hedging of Firms - Some Swedish Evidence Stefan Nydahl | 1757 |
Monetary Policy and the Stock Market: Theory and Empirical Evidence Peter Sellin | 1639 |
GARCH, Implied Volatilities and Implied Distributions: An Evaluation for Forecasting Purposes Javiera Aguilar | 1420 |
Core Inflation and Monetary Policy Marianne Nessén, Ulf Söderström | 1409 |
World-Wide Purchasing Power Parity Tor Jacobson, Marianne Nessen | 1349 |
Capital Charges under Basel II: Corporate Credit Risk Modelling and the Macro Economy Kenneth Carling, Tor Jacobson, Jesper Lindé, Kasper Roszbach | 1292 |
A VAR Model for Monetary Policy Analysis in a Small Open Economy Tor Jacobson, Per Jansson, Anders Vredin, Anders Warne | 1100 |
Unemployment and Inflation Regimes Anders Vredin, Anders Warne | 1085 |
Finding Good Predictors for Inflation: A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach Tor Jacobson, Sune Karlsson | 1050 |
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Top papers by Downloads all months (from 2001-10)
Paper | Downloads |
Exchange Rate Exposure, Foreign Involvement and Currency Hedging of Firms - Some Swedish Evidence Stefan Nydahl | 505 |
GARCH, Implied Volatilities and Implied Distributions: An Evaluation for Forecasting Purposes Javiera Aguilar | 493 |
Monetary Policy and the Stock Market: Theory and Empirical Evidence Peter Sellin | 488 |
A VAR Model for Monetary Policy Analysis in a Small Open Economy Tor Jacobson, Per Jansson, Anders Vredin, Anders Warne | 444 |
Capital Charges under Basel II: Corporate Credit Risk Modelling and the Macro Economy Kenneth Carling, Tor Jacobson, Jesper Lindé, Kasper Roszbach | 412 |
World-Wide Purchasing Power Parity Tor Jacobson, Marianne Nessen | 373 |
Finding Good Predictors for Inflation: A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach Tor Jacobson, Sune Karlsson | 321 |
Credit Risk versus Capital Requirements under Basel II: Are SME Loans and Retail Credit Really Different? Tor Jacobson, Jesper Lindé, Kasper Roszbach | 263 |
Core Inflation and Monetary Policy Marianne Nessén, Ulf Söderström | 258 |
Bayesian Prediction with a Cointegrated Vector Autoregression Mattias Villani | 227 |
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