Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

DaCHE discussion papers,
University of Southern Denmark, Dache - Danish Centre for Health Economics

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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last month (2024-06)

Who to pay for performance? The choice of organisational level for hospital performance incentives
Soren Rud Kristensen, Mickael Bech, Jørgen T Lauridsen
Mapping general practitioners' motivation: It is not all about the money
Dimitar Yordanov, Anne Sophie Oxholm, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Line Bjørnskov Pedersen
Determinants of inequalities in health with focus on retired - with particular regard to retired Danes
Christiansen Terkel, Lauridsen Jørgen, Unto Häkkinen
Measuring the Effect of the Polygenic Risk Score on the Aging Rate
Georgios Effraimidis, Morgan Levine, Eileen Crimmins
Hospitalers omkostninger, struktur og effektivitet. En undersøgelse af stordrifts- og samdriftsfordele i det danske sygehusvæsen
Troels Kristensen, Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Kim Rose Olsen
Nurse staffing and patient outcomes: Analyzing within- and between-variation
Uffe Bjerregaard, Bibi Hølge-Hazelton, Søren Rud Kristensen, Kim Rose Olsen
Can health promotion in the workplace save public money? Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Denmark
Morten Saaby Pedersen, Jacob Nielsen Arendt
Time to revisit the agency theory and expand our thoughts on what motivates physicians? A nudge to health economists
Anne Sophie Oxholm, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen, Ulrich Thy Jensen, Line Bjørnskov Pedersen
Hjemtagning af dialysebehandling til grønlandske patienter med kronisk nyresvigt
Christian Kronborg, Mickael Bech, Trine Kjær
The impact of supply-driven variation in time to death on the demand for health care
Mauro Laudicella, Paolo Li Donni

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Top papers by Downloads last month (2024-06)

Værdibaseret styring. Er det smitsomt? Value based health care and reimbursement: Is it contagious?
Pedersen Kjeld Møller
Lavindkomst og antal kontakter med almen praksis
Jacob Nielsen Arendt, Jørgen Nexøe, Britt Toftgaard Jensen, Gert Müntzberg, Jan Sørensen
The relationship between dual practice and physicians’ work behaviour in the public hospitals: Results from the Danish survey
Karolina Socha, Mickael Bech
Mapping general practitioners' motivation: It is not all about the money
Dimitar Yordanov, Anne Sophie Oxholm, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Line Bjørnskov Pedersen
The value of mortality risk reductions. Pure altruism - a confounder?
Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Trine Kjær, Jytte Seested Nielsen
Ulighed i selvvurderet helbred i Danmark
Mette Møller Jørgensen, Mette Bjerrum Koch, Lars Peter Østerdal
Nonparametric Identification of a Time-Varying Frailty Model
Georgios Effraimidis
New Evidence of Health State Dependent Utility of Consumption: A combined survey and register study
Nicolai Fink Simonsen, Trine Kjær
Nurse staffing and patient outcomes: Analyzing within- and between-variation
Uffe Bjerregaard, Bibi Hølge-Hazelton, Søren Rud Kristensen, Kim Rose Olsen
Identification of the timing-of-events model with multiple competing exit risks from single-spell data
Bettina Drepper, Georgios Effraimidis
Health and inequality in health in the Nordic countries
Terkel Christiansen, Jørgen Lauridsen, Carl Hampus Lyttkens, Thorhildur Ólafsdóttir, Hannu Valtonen
The Lasting Legacy of Seasonal Influenza: In-utero Exposure and Labor Market Outcomes
Hannes Schwandt
Omkostninger ved assisteret befrugtning på specialiserede fertilitetsklinikker i det offentlige sundhedssystem: resultater fra et 5 års opfølgningsstudie
Terkel Christiansen, Karin Erb, Amra Rizvanovic, Søren Ziebe, Anne-Lis Mikkelsen Englund, Finn Hald, Jacky Boivin, Lone Schmidt
Historical Migration Flows and Global Health Differences
Thomas Barnebeck Andersen, Carl-Johan Dalgaard, Christian Volmar Skovsgaard, Pablo Selaya
Measuring the Effect of the Polygenic Risk Score on the Aging Rate
Georgios Effraimidis, Morgan Levine, Eileen Crimmins
Time to revisit the agency theory and expand our thoughts on what motivates physicians? A nudge to health economists
Anne Sophie Oxholm, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen, Ulrich Thy Jensen, Line Bjørnskov Pedersen
Decomposing Inequality in Diabetes Patients' Morbidity Patterns, Survival and Health Care Usage in Denmark
Camilla Sortsø, Jørgen Lauridsen, Martha Emneus, Anders Green, Peter Bjødstrup Jensen
Dynamic Changes in Determinants of Inequalities in Health in Europe with Focus on Retired - with Particular Regard to Retired Danes
Terkel Christiansen, Jørgen T. Lauridsen
The dynamic interdependence in the demand of primary and emergency secondary care: A hidden Markov approach
Mauro Laudicella, Paolo Li Donni

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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last 3 months (2024-04 to 2024-06)

Mapping general practitioners' motivation: It is not all about the money
Dimitar Yordanov, Anne Sophie Oxholm, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Line Bjørnskov Pedersen
Hjemtagning af dialysebehandling til grønlandske patienter med kronisk nyresvigt
Christian Kronborg, Mickael Bech, Trine Kjær
Who to pay for performance? The choice of organisational level for hospital performance incentives
Soren Rud Kristensen, Mickael Bech, Jørgen T Lauridsen
Private health insurance and the use of health care services - a review of the theoretical literature with application to voluntary private health insurance in universal health care systems
Astrid Kiil
Cost and quality impacts of treatment loci for type 2 diabetes patients with moderate disease severity: Hospital- vs. GP-basedmonitoring.
Ryan Wyeth Pullyblank, Mauro Laudicella, Kim Rose Olsen
Can health promotion in the workplace save public money? Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Denmark
Morten Saaby Pedersen, Jacob Nielsen Arendt
Nurse staffing and patient outcomes: Analyzing within- and between-variation
Uffe Bjerregaard, Bibi Hølge-Hazelton, Søren Rud Kristensen, Kim Rose Olsen
Time to revisit the agency theory and expand our thoughts on what motivates physicians? A nudge to health economists
Anne Sophie Oxholm, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen, Ulrich Thy Jensen, Line Bjørnskov Pedersen
The impact of supply-driven variation in time to death on the demand for health care
Mauro Laudicella, Paolo Li Donni
Determinants of inequalities in health with focus on retired - with particular regard to retired Danes
Christiansen Terkel, Lauridsen Jørgen, Unto Häkkinen

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Top papers by Downloads last 3 months (2024-04 to 2024-06)

The dynamic interdependence in the demand of primary and emergency secondary care: A hidden Markov approach
Mauro Laudicella, Paolo Li Donni
Decomposing Inequality in Diabetes Patients' Morbidity Patterns, Survival and Health Care Usage in Denmark
Camilla Sortsø, Jørgen Lauridsen, Martha Emneus, Anders Green, Peter Bjødstrup Jensen
Værdibaseret styring. Er det smitsomt? Value based health care and reimbursement: Is it contagious?
Pedersen Kjeld Møller
Is there additional value attached to health gains at the end-of-life? A re-visit
Dorte Gyrd-Hansen
Omkostninger ved assisteret befrugtning på specialiserede fertilitetsklinikker i det offentlige sundhedssystem: resultater fra et 5 års opfølgningsstudie
Terkel Christiansen, Karin Erb, Amra Rizvanovic, Søren Ziebe, Anne-Lis Mikkelsen Englund, Finn Hald, Jacky Boivin, Lone Schmidt
Nonparametric Identification of a Time-Varying Frailty Model
Georgios Effraimidis
Mixed reimbursement of hospitals: Securing high activity and global expenditures control?
Karolina Socha
Assessing the Propensity for Presenteeism with Sickness Absence Data
Sébastien Richard, Kristian Skagen, Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Benjamin Huver
A simple but efficient approach to the analysis of multilevel data
Stefan Holst Milton Bache, Troels Kristensen
The relationship between dual practice and physicians’ work behaviour in the public hospitals: Results from the Danish survey
Karolina Socha, Mickael Bech
Mapping general practitioners' motivation: It is not all about the money
Dimitar Yordanov, Anne Sophie Oxholm, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Line Bjørnskov Pedersen
Effects of Food Price Shocks on Child Malnutrition: The Mozambican Experience 2008/09
Channing Arndt, M. Azhar Hussain, Vincenzo Salvucci, Lars Peter Østerdal
Public health, healthcare, health and inequality in health in the Nordic countries
Terkel Christiansen, Jørgen T. Lauridsen, Mathias Kifmann, Carl Hampus Lyttkens, Thorhildur Ólafsdóttir, Hannu Valtonen
Health and inequality in health in the Nordic countries
Terkel Christiansen, Jørgen Lauridsen, Carl Hampus Lyttkens, Thorhildur Ólafsdóttir, Hannu Valtonen
The Lasting Legacy of Seasonal Influenza: In-utero Exposure and Labor Market Outcomes
Hannes Schwandt
Small-Area Variation of Fertility Rates
Jørgen T. Lauridsen
Identification of the timing-of-events model with multiple competing exit risks from single-spell data
Bettina Drepper, Georgios Effraimidis

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Top papers by Abstract Accesses all months (from 2008-10)

Do Mixed Reimbursement Schemes Affect Hospital Productivity? An Analysis of the Case of Denmark.
Xenia Brun Hansen, Mickael Bech, Mads Leth Jacobsen, Jørgen T Lauridsen
Omkostninger ved assisteret befrugtning på specialiserede fertilitetsklinikker i det offentlige sundhedssystem: resultater fra et 5 års opfølgningsstudie
Terkel Christiansen, Karin Erb, Amra Rizvanovic, Søren Ziebe, Anne-Lis Mikkelsen Englund, Finn Hald, Jacky Boivin, Lone Schmidt
Hospitalers omkostninger, struktur og effektivitet. En undersøgelse af stordrifts- og samdriftsfordele i det danske sygehusvæsen
Troels Kristensen, Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Kim Rose Olsen
The Danish Health Care System: An Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT analysis)
Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Mickael Bech, Karsten Vrangbæk
The Danish Survey on Voluntary Health Insurance 2009
Astrid Kiil, Kjeld Møller Pedersen
Dokumentationsrapport Spørgeskemaundersøgelse Nyorganisering af organdonation i Region Syddanmark
Eva Draborg et al.
Does better structure and process management provide higher outcome quality for the individual patient and among Danish hospital departments?
Anne Hvenegaard, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Jacob Arendt, Torben Højmark Sørensen, Jesper Laustsen, Leif Panduro Jensen
Private health insurance and the use of health care services - a review of the theoretical literature with application to voluntary private health insurance in universal health care systems
Astrid Kiil
Who to pay for performance? The choice of organisational level for hospital performance incentives
Soren Rud Kristensen, Mickael Bech, Jørgen T Lauridsen
Hjemtagning af dialysebehandling til grønlandske patienter med kronisk nyresvigt
Christian Kronborg, Mickael Bech, Trine Kjær

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Top papers by Downloads all months (from 2008-10)

The Danish Health Care System: An Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT analysis)
Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Mickael Bech, Karsten Vrangbæk
Who to pay for performance? The choice of organisational level for hospital performance incentives
Soren Rud Kristensen, Mickael Bech, Jørgen T Lauridsen
Do Mixed Reimbursement Schemes Affect Hospital Productivity? An Analysis of the Case of Denmark.
Xenia Brun Hansen, Mickael Bech, Mads Leth Jacobsen, Jørgen T Lauridsen
Can health promotion in the workplace save public money? Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Denmark
Morten Saaby Pedersen, Jacob Nielsen Arendt
Omkostninger ved assisteret befrugtning på specialiserede fertilitetsklinikker i det offentlige sundhedssystem: resultater fra et 5 års opfølgningsstudie
Terkel Christiansen, Karin Erb, Amra Rizvanovic, Søren Ziebe, Anne-Lis Mikkelsen Englund, Finn Hald, Jacky Boivin, Lone Schmidt
Private health insurance and the use of health care services - a review of the theoretical literature with application to voluntary private health insurance in universal health care systems
Astrid Kiil
The Economics of Presenteeism: A discrete choice & count model framework
Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Kristian Skagen
On the measurement of the (multidimensional) inequality of health distributions
Jens Leth Hougaard, Juan D. Moreno-Ternero, Lars Peter Østerdal
Effects of Food Price Shocks on Child Malnutrition: The Mozambican Experience 2008/09
Channing Arndt, M. Azhar Hussain, Vincenzo Salvucci, Lars Peter Østerdal
A simple but efficient approach to the analysis of multilevel data
Stefan Holst Milton Bache, Troels Kristensen
Sickness absence and voluntary employer paid health insurance
Kjeld Møller Pedersen
Physician dual practice and the public health care provision. Review of the literature.
Karolina Socha
Refining Population Health Comparisons: A Multidimensional First Order Dominance Approach
M. Azhar Hussain, Mette Møller Jørgensen, Lars Peter Østerdal

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