No 2008:12: Policies towards a more efficient car fleet
Svante Mandell
No 2008:11: Perception of Own Death Risk: A Reassessment of Road-Traffic Mortality Risk
Henrik Andersson
No 2008:10: Property Prices and Exposure to Multiple Noise Sources: Hedonic Regression with Road and Railway Noise
Henrik Andersson, Lina Jonsson and Mikael Ögren
No 2008:9: Revenues in Discrete Multi-Unit, Common Value Auctions: A Study of Three Sealed-Bid Mechanisms
Joakim Ahlberg
No 2008:8: Willingness to Pay for Car Safety: Sensitivity to Time Framing
Henrik Andersson, James Hammitt, Gunnar Lindberg and Kristian Sundström
No 2008:7: Hypothetical bias and certainty calibration in a value of time experiment
Jan-Erik Swärdh
No 2008:6: Marginal Cost Pricing of Noise in Railway Infrastructure
Henrik Andersson and Mikael Ögren
No 2008:5: Estimating the economic lifetime of roads using road replacement data
Mattias Haraldsson and Lina Jonsson
No 2008:4: Steering the European transport greenhouse gas emissions under uncertainty
Svante Mandell
No 2008:3: Is the intertemporal income elasticity of the value of travel time unity?
Jan-Erik Swärdh
No 2008:2: The value of time from subjective data on life satisfaction and job satisfaction: An empirical assessment
Gunnar Isacsson, Anders Karlström and Jan-Erik Swärdh
No 2008:1: The Value of a Statistical Life
Henrik Andersson and Nicolas Treich
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