1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
No. 35/2003: A calibrated structural model of the Czech economy Tibor Hlédik
No. 34/2003: Effects of the supply-side channel on stabilisation properties of policy rules Jukka Railavo
No. 33/2003: Determinants of the loan loss allowance: some cross-country comparisons Iftekhar Hasan and Larry D. Wall
No. 31/2003: The rigidity bias Risto Herrala
No. 30/2003: Adaptive learning and multiple equilibria in a natural rate monetary model with unemployment persistence Anssi Rantala
No. 29/2003: Irreversible investment under interest rate variability: new results Luis H.R. Alvarez and Erkki Koskela
No. 28/2003: Are adverse selection models of debt robust to changes in market structure? Jukka Vauhkonen
No. 27/2003: Staggered prices and trend inflation: some nuisances Guido Ascari
No. 26/2003: Interlinking securities settlement systems: A strategic commitment? Karlo Kauko
No. 25/2003: Preventing systemic crises through bank transparency Ari Hyytinen and Tuomas Takalo
No. 24/2003: Buffer funding of unemployment insurance in a dynamic labour union model Marja-Liisa Halko
No. 23/2003: Simulating interbank payment and securities settlement mechanisms with the BoF-PSS2 simulator Harry Leinonen and Kimmo Soramäki
No. 22/2003: Policy interaction, expectations and the liquidity trap George W. Evans and Seppo Honkapohja
No. 21/2003: The role of market discipline in handling problem banks David T. Llewellyn and David G. Mayes
No. 20/2003: Learning, inflation expectations and optimal monetary policy Eric Schaling
No. 19/2003: Equilibrium unemployment under negotiated profit sharing Erkki Koskela and Rune Stenbacka
No. 18/2003: A positive theory of monetary policy and robust control Juha Kilponen
No. 17/2003: Investor protection and business creation Ari Hyytinen and Tuomas Takalo
No. 16/2003: Competition and regulation in European retail payment systems Kari Kemppainen
No. 15/2003: Cross-country asymmetries in euro area monetary transmission: the role of national financial systems Hanna Putkuri
No. 14/2003: Financial contracts and contingent control rights Jukka Vauhkonen
No. 13/2003: Banks' equity stakes in borrowing firms: corporate finance approach Jukka Vauhkonen
No. 12/2003: Optimal discretionary monetary policy in the open economy: Choosing between CPI and domestic inflation as target variables Alfred V. Guender
No. 11/2003: Labour market flexibility and policy coordination in a monetary union Anssi Rantala
No. 10/2003: Friedman's money supply rule vs optimal interest rate policy George W. Evans and Seppo Honkapohja
No. 9/2003: Money as an indicator variable for monetary policy when money demand is forward looking Lauri Kajanoja
No. 8/2003: Card, Internet and mobile payments in Finland Hanna Jyrkönen and Heli Paunonen
No. 7/2003: Restructuring securities systems processing – a blue print proposal for real-time/t+0 processing Harry Leinonen
No. 6/2003: Equilibrium in financial markets with adverse selection Tuomas Takalo and Otto Toivanen
No. 5/2003: Economic evaluation of bank exit regimes in US, EU and Japanese financial centres Peik Granlund
No. 4/2003: Simulation-based stress testing of banks’ regulatory capital adequacy Samu Peura and Esa Jokivuolle
No. 2/2003: Do networks in the stock exchange industry pay off? European evidence Iftekhar Hasan and Heiko Schmiedel
No. 1/2003: Payment systems efficiency, policy approaches, and the role of the central bank Tanai Khiaonarong
Programing by Design by Joachim Ekebom