1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
No. 27/2005: A wavelet analysis of scaling laws and long-memory in stock market volatility Tommi Vuorenmaa
No. 26/2005: The effects of aging population on the sustainability of fiscal policy Mikko Puhakka
No. 25/2005: Inflation expectations and regime shifts in the euro area Matti Virén
No. 24/2005: The transparency of the banking industry and the efficiency of information-based bank runs Yehning Chen and Iftekhar Hasan
No. 23/2005: Standard setting and competition in securities settlement Alistair Milne
No. 22/2005: Comparing alternative Phillips curve specifications: European results with survey-based expectations ForthcomingMaritta Paloviita
No. 21/2005: Forecasting with a forward-looking DGE model: combining long-run views of financial markets with macro forecasting Hanna-Leena Männistö
No. 20/2005: Robust monetary policy in a small open economy Kai Leitemo and Ulf Söderström
No. 19/2005: Assessing effects of price regulation in retail payment systems Kari Kemppainen
No. 18/2005: International economic spillovers and the liquidity trap Juha Tarkka and Mika Kortelainen
No. 17/2005: Identifying the interdependence between US monetary policy and the stock market Hilde Bjřrnland and Kai Leitemo
No. 16/2005: What's in it for us? Network effects and bank payment innovation Alistair Milne
No. 15/2005: Fiscal policy in the 1920s and 1930s How much different it is from the post war period's policies? Matti Virén
No. 14/2005: The demand for money market mutual funds Karlo Kauko
No. 13/2005: Banking fragility and distress: An econometric study of macroeconomic determinants Jarmo Pesola
No. 12/2005: Decomposing the co-movement of the business cycle: a time-frequency analysis of growth cycles in the euro area Patrick Crowley and Jim Lee
No. 11/2005: The mixed oligopoly of cross-border payment systems Karlo Kauko
No. 10/2005: The optimal tax treatment of housing capital in the neoclassical growth model Essi Eerola and Niku Määttänen
No. 9/2005: Bank interest rates in a small European economy: Some exploratory macro level analyses using Finnish data Karlo Kauko
No. 8/2005: Government size and output volatility: is there a relationship? Matti Virén
No. 7/2005: Productivity differentials and external balance in ERM II Marketta Henriksson
No. 6/2005: The role of expectations in the inflation process in the euro area Maritta Paloviita and Matti Virén
No. 5/2005: Why do capital intensive companies pay higher wages? Matti Virén
No. 4/2005: Labour productivity growth and industry structure. The impact of industry structure on productivity growth, export prices and labour compensation Johanna Sinkkonen
No. 3/2005: Relationship lending and competition: Higher switching cost does not necessarily imply greater relationship benefits Timo Vesala
No. 2/2005: Ageing, interest rates, and financial flows Tuomas Saarenheimo
No. 1/2005: An intuitive guide to wavelets for economists PublishedPatrick Crowley
Programing by Design by Joachim Ekebom