1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
No. 31/2004: Robust monetary policy in the New-Keynesian framework Kai Leitemo and Ulf Söderström
No. 30/2004: Central counterparty clearing: constructing a framework for evaluation of risks and benefits Kirsi Ripatti
No. 29/2004: Equilibrium dynamics under lump-sum taxation in an exchange economy with skewed endowments Mikko Puhakka
No. 28/2004: Stable price level and changing prices Antti Suvanto and Juhana Hukkinen
No. 27/2004: Less cash on the counter: Forecasting Finnish payment preferences Hanna Jyrkönen
No. 26/2004: Trading Nokia: The roles of the Helsinki vs the New York stock exchanges Esa Jokivuolle and Markku Lanne
No. 25/2004: Multihoming in the market for payment media: evidence from young Finnish consumers Ari Hyytinen and Tuomas Takalo
No. 24/2004: The impact of macroeconomic news on exchange rate volatility Helinä Laakkonen
No. 23/2004: Heterogeneous information about the term structure, least-squares learning and optimal rules for inflation targeting Eric Schaling, Sylvester Eijffinger and Mewael Tesfaselassie
No. 22/2004: Labour market reform and the sustainability of exchange rate pegs Olli Castrén, Tuomas Takalo and Geoffrey Wood
No. 21/2004: Inflation dynamics in the euro area and the role of expectations: further results PublishedMaritta Paloviita
No. 20/2004: Monetary consequences of alternative fiscal policy rules Jukka Railavo
No. 19/2004: Expectational business cycles Eran Guse
No. 18/2004: Macro stress testing with a macroeconomic credit risk model for Finland Kimmo Virolainen
No. 17/2004: The efficiency implications of financial conglomeration ForthcomingVille Mälkönen
No. 16/2004: The use of real time information in Phillips curve relationships for the euro area PublishedMaritta Paloviita and David Mayes
No. 15/2004: The anticipated and concurring effects of EMU: exchange rate volatility, institutions and growth Michele Bagella, Leonardo Becchetti and Iftekhar Hasan
No. 14/2004: Asymmetric information in credit markets and entrepreneurial risk taking Timo Vesala
No. 13/2004: Large value payment systems: principles and recent and future developments Timo Iivarinen
No. 12/2004: Measuring the long-term perception of monetary policy and the term structure Nicolas Rautureau
No. 11/2004: Equilibrium unemployment and investment under product and labour market imperfections Heikki Kauppi, Erkki Koskela and Rune Stenbacka
No. 10/2004: Capital adequacy regulation and financial conglomerates PublishedVille Mälkönen
No. 9/2004: Asymmetries in the Euro area economy David G. Mayes and Matti Virén
No. 8/2004: Further evidence on the link between finance and growth: An international analysis of community banking and economic performance Allen N. Berger, Iftekhar Hasan and Leora F. Klapper
No. 7/2004: Monopoly rights can reduce income big time Berthold Herrendorf and Arilton Teixeira
No. 6/2004: Unintended convergence – how Finnish unemployment reached the European level Erkki Koskela and Roope Uusitalo
No. 5/2004: Robust expectations and uncertain models – A robust control approach with application to the New Keynesian economy Juha Kilponen
No. 4/2004: An approach to bank insolvency in transition and emerging economies David G. Mayes
No. 3/2004: Monetary policy and learning in an open economy Martin Ellison, Lucio Sarno and Jouko Vilmunen
No. 2/2004: Extracting growth and inflation expectations from financial market data Lauri Kajanoja
No. 1/2004: Stability consequences of fiscal policy rules Jukka Railavo
Programing by Design by Joachim Ekebom