No 254: Consumption and Living Standards in Early Modern Rural Households: Probate Evidence from Southern Sweden, c. 1680-1860
Marcus Falk
No 253: The crofter is a woman: Gender division of labour in rural semi-landless households, Sweden 1800-1900
Carolina Uppenberg and Malin Nilsson
No 252: European Consumer Price Indices since 1870
Jonas Ljungberg
No 251: Wealth, work, and industriousness, 1670–1860: Evidence from rural Swedish probates
Marcus Falk, Erik Bengtsson and Mats Olsson
No 250: The politics of profits: Profit squeeze and political-economic change in Sweden, 1975–1985
Erik Bengtsson
No 249: One and a Half Millennium of Economic Change in Sweden
Olle Krantz
No 248: Development strategies in a context of world system disorder
Bengt-Åke Lundvall
No 247: Estimating Historical Inequality from Social Tables: Towards Methodological Consistency
Dieter von Fintel, Calumet Links and Erik Green
No 246: The Highs and the Lows: Bank failures in Sweden through inflation and deflation, 1914-1926
Seán Kenny, Anders Ögren and Liang Zhao
No 245: The Changing Meaning of the Wage Bargaining Round in Sweden since the 1960s: A Contextual Approach to Shifts in Industrial Relations
Erik Bengtsson
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