HERO Online Working Paper Series,
University of Oslo, Health Economics Research Programme
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last month (2025-01)
Paper | Accesses |
Economics of Healthcare Provider Altruism Matteo M Galizzi, Geir Godager, Jing Li, Ismo Linnosmaa, Timo Tammi, Daniel Wiesen | 13 |
Competition, Gatekeeping, and Health Care Access Geir Godager, Tor Iversen, Ching-to Albert Ma | 11 |
Individual and household value of mortality reductions with intrahousehold bargaining Jon Strand | 11 |
Children, family and cancer survival in Norway Øystein Kravdal | 11 |
Deductibles in Health Insurance: Pay or Pain? Geir B. Asheim, Tore Nilssen, Anne Wenche Emblem | 11 |
Rapport om problemer i helsesektorene i Norden Tor Iversen | 11 |
Compensating differentials for nurses Erik Magnus Sæther | 11 |
Direct and indirect costs of the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program Tron Anders Moger, Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen | 10 |
Organisational Change, Absenteeism and Welfare Dependency Knut Røed, Elisabeth Fevang | 10 |
Absenteeism, Health Insurance, and Business Cycles Morten Nordberg, Snorre Kverndokk | 10 |
Birds of a Feather Flock Together: A Study of Doctor-Patient Matching Geir Godager | 10 |
Economies of scope in Norwegian hospital production - A DEA analysis Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Jon Magnussen | 10 |
Does quality influence choice of general practitioner? An analysis of matched doctor-patient panel data Erik Biørn, Geir Godager | 10 |
Erfaringer med ISF og bruk av kostnadsinformasjon Intervjudata fra fire fylkeskommuner Ståle Opedal | 10 |
Incentive Contracts for Public Health Care Provision under Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard Jon Vislie | 10 |
Testing DEA Models of Efficiency in Norwegian Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Jon Magnussen | 10 |
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Top papers by Downloads last month (2025-01)
Paper | Downloads |
Do changes in reimbursement fees affect hospital prioritization? Hans Olav Melberg, Kine Pedersen | 10 |
Economies of scope in Norwegian hospital production - A DEA analysis Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Jon Magnussen | 8 |
The Importance of Municipality Characteristics for Cancer Survival in Norway: A Multilevel Analysis Øystein Kravdal | 7 |
Does performance disclosure influence physicians’ medical decisions? An experimental analysis Geir Godager, Tor Iversen, Heike Hennig-Schmidt | 7 |
Using fees to reduce bed-blocking: A game between hospitals and care providers Snorre Kverndokk, Hans Olav Melberg | 7 |
An exploratory study of associations between social capital and selfassessed health in Norway Tor Iversen | 5 |
Cost-effectiveness of screening for colorectal cancer with once-only flexible sigmoidoscopy and faecal occult blood test Eline Aas | 3 |
Sykehuslegenes holdninger til kjøp av helsetjenester i utlandet Grete Botten, Sølve Mikal Nerland, Terje P. Hagen | 1 |
Rational addiction theory – a survey of opinions Hans Olav Melberg | 1 |
Omfang og sammensetning av omsorgstjenester i tre nordiske land Geir Godager, Terje P. Hagen, Tor Iversen | 1 |
Some problems with international comparisons of health spending – and a suggestion about how to quantify the size of the problems Hans Olav Melberg | 1 |
Direct and indirect costs of the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program Tron Anders Moger, Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen | 1 |
Physician Behavior and Health Outcomes Geir Godager, Anthony Scott | 1 |
Decision-making in General Practice: The importance of laboratory analyses when choosing medical actions Siri Fauli, Geir Thue | 1 |
Fighting Transient Epidemics - Optimal Vaccination Schedules Before and After an Outbreak Eric Nævdal | 1 |
ISF og sykehusenes effektivitet - Erfaringer fra 1997 og 1998 Terje P. Hagen, Tor Iversen, Jon Magnussen | 1 |
Market Conditions and General Practitioners’ Referrals Tor Iversen, Albert Ma | 1 |
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last 3 months (2024-11 to 2025-01)
Paper | Accesses |
Economies of scope in Norwegian hospital production - A DEA analysis Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Jon Magnussen | 49 |
The Importance of Municipality Characteristics for Cancer Survival in Norway: A Multilevel Analysis Øystein Kravdal | 45 |
Does performance disclosure influence physicians’ medical decisions? An experimental analysis Geir Godager, Tor Iversen, Heike Hennig-Schmidt | 40 |
Do changes in reimbursement fees affect hospital prioritization? Hans Olav Melberg, Kine Pedersen | 39 |
Cost-effectiveness of screening for colorectal cancer with once-only flexible sigmoidoscopy and faecal occult blood test Eline Aas | 39 |
An exploratory study of associations between social capital and selfassessed health in Norway Tor Iversen | 36 |
Reforming decentralized integrated health care systems: Theory and the case of the Norwegian reform Kjeld Møller Pedersen | 31 |
Using fees to reduce bed-blocking: A game between hospitals and care providers Snorre Kverndokk, Hans Olav Melberg | 26 |
Maternity ward closures and infant health outcomes, maternal health outcomes, and birth procedures Astrid de Linde, Jostein Grytten, Irene Skau, Jonas Minet Kinge | 25 |
Does physician gender influence the provision of medical care? An experimental study. JingJing Li, Geir Godager, Jian Wang | 24 |
Individual and household value of mortality reductions with intrahousehold bargaining Jon Strand | 24 |
Physician Behavior and Health Outcomes Geir Godager, Anthony Scott | 24 |
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Top papers by Downloads last 3 months (2024-11 to 2025-01)
Paper | Downloads |
The Importance of Municipality Characteristics for Cancer Survival in Norway: A Multilevel Analysis Øystein Kravdal | 14 |
Do changes in reimbursement fees affect hospital prioritization? Hans Olav Melberg, Kine Pedersen | 13 |
Does performance disclosure influence physicians’ medical decisions? An experimental analysis Geir Godager, Tor Iversen, Heike Hennig-Schmidt | 12 |
Economies of scope in Norwegian hospital production - A DEA analysis Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Jon Magnussen | 10 |
An exploratory study of associations between social capital and selfassessed health in Norway Tor Iversen | 7 |
Using fees to reduce bed-blocking: A game between hospitals and care providers Snorre Kverndokk, Hans Olav Melberg | 7 |
Cost-effectiveness of screening for colorectal cancer with once-only flexible sigmoidoscopy and faecal occult blood test Eline Aas | 5 |
Omfang og sammensetning av omsorgstjenester i tre nordiske land Geir Godager, Terje P. Hagen, Tor Iversen | 4 |
Er liggetid betinget av finansieringsordninger? - En analyse av paneldata fra 63 norske somatiske sykehus i årene 1976-1999 Sølve Mikal Nerland | 4 |
Produktivitet i spesialisthelsetjenesten Kjartan S. Anthun, Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Jon Magnussen | 4 |
ISF og sykehusenes effektivitet - Erfaringer fra 1997 og 1998 Terje P. Hagen, Tor Iversen, Jon Magnussen | 4 |
Sprekere eldre, rimeligere eldreomsorg? - Utgiftsbehovet i eldreomsorgen i perioden 2000-2030 under ulike forutsetninger om eldres funksjonsevne Grete Botten, Terje P. Hagen, Hans TH Waaler | 4 |
Sykehusenes effektivitetsutvikling 1992-1999: Hvilke effekter ga innsatsstyrt finansiering? Terje P. Hagen, Tor Iversen, Jon Magnussen | 4 |
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses all months (from 2009-03)
Paper | Accesses |
Costs and health consequences of chlamydia management strategies among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa Maria Romoen, Johanne Sundby, Per Hjortdahl, Fatrima Hussein, Tore W. Steen, Manonmany Velauthapillai, Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen | 460 |
Development of competition indicators in the Norwegian general practice: Constructing a postal code-specific Herfindahl-Hirschman index applying STATA software Xing Chen, Geir Godager | 436 |
Hospital productivity and the Norwegian ownership reform – A Nordic comparative study Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Jon Magnussen, Kjartan Sarheim Anthun, Unto Häkkinen, Miika Linna, Emma Medin, Kim Rose Olsen, Clas Rehnberg | 404 |
Measuring the Quality of Hospital Services Hospital Specific Factors and Individual Evaluations Kjersti Helene Hernæs | 395 |
The moral relevance of personal characteristics in setting health care priorities Jan Abel Olsen, Jeff Ricardson, Paul Dolan, Paul Mentzel | 395 |
Using artefactual field and lab experiments to investigate how fee-for-service and capitation affect medical service provision Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Nadja Kairies-Schwarz, Daniel Wiesen | 389 |
Kostnader ved høydosebehandling med autolog stam-cellestøtte ved fire norske sentra Vinod Mishra, Lorentz Brinch, Peter Ernst, May Kristin Lønseth, Jon Magnus Tangen, Jenny Wikelund, Cecilia Flatum, Eva Baggerød, Bjørn Helle, Sølvi Andersen, Stein Vaaler, Terje P. Hagen, Stein Kvaløy | 385 |
The impact of accessibility on the use of specialist health care in Norway Tor Iversen, Gry Stine Kopperud | 383 |
Economies of scope in Norwegian hospital production - A DEA analysis Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Jon Magnussen | 381 |
The Crowding-Out of Work Ethics Sverre Grepperud, Pål Andreas Pedersen | 373 |
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Top papers by Downloads all months (from 2009-03)
Paper | Downloads |
Competition, Gatekeeping, and Health Care Access Geir Godager, Tor Iversen, Ching-to Albert Ma | 119 |
The interaction between patient shortage and patients waiting time Tor Iversen, Hilde Lurås | 90 |
A Discrete Choice Analysis of Norwegian Physicians’ Labor Supply and Sector Choice Erik Magnus Sæther | 73 |
Acute admissions to a community hospital: a descriptive cost study Øystein Lappegard, Terje P. Hagen, Per Hjortdahl | 70 |
Helsetjenester uten grenser? Om internasjonal handel med helsetjenester og mulige virkninger av internasjonal konkurranse for det norske helsevesenet Geir Godager, Tor Iversen | 69 |
Genetic Variability and Collective Social Norms: The Case of Binge Drinking Jason F. Shogren, Eric Nævdal | 68 |
Using artefactual field and lab experiments to investigate how fee-for-service and capitation affect medical service provision Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Nadja Kairies-Schwarz, Daniel Wiesen | 67 |
Some notes on how to catch a red herring - Ageing, time-to-death and care costs for older people in Sweden Martin Karlsson, Florian Klohn | 66 |
Kickbacks, referrals and efficiency in health care markets: Experimental evidence Christian Waibel, Daniel Wiesen | 65 |
Errors in Survey Based Quality Evaluation Variables in Efficiency Models of Primary Care Physicians Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Guri Galtung Kjæserud, Odd Jarle Kvamme | 64 |
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