1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
No. 22/2004: Dealing with financial fragility in transition economies John Bonin and Paul Wachtel
No. 21/2004: Probability of default models of Russian banks PublishedAnatoly A. Peresetsky, Alexandr A. Karminsky and Sergei V. Golovan
No. 20/2004: A meta-analysis of business cycle correlation between the euro area and CEECs: What do we know – and who cares? Jarko Fidrmuc and Iikka Korhonen
No. 19/2004: Trade specialisation patterns: The case of Russia Bernadina Algieri
No. 18/2004: Does democracy cure a resource curse? Iikka Korhonen
No. 17/2004: Liquidity provision in transition economy: the lessons from Russia Anna Dorbec
No. 16/2004: Selecting inflation indicators under an inflation targeting regime: evidence from the MCL method Juha-Pekka Koskinen, Tuuli Koivu and Abdur Chowdhury
No. 15/2004: An abnormal country Steven Rosefielde
No. 14/2004: Just how undervalued is the Chinese renminbi? PublishedMichael Funke and Jörg Rahn
No. 13/2004: The Lithuanian block of the ESCB multi-country model Igor Vetlov
No. 12/2004: The Political Economy of Restructuring and Subsidisation: An International Perspective Greetje M.M. Everaert
No. 11/2004: Monetary Policy Rules for Russia Akram Esanov, Christian Merkl and Lúcio Vinhas de Souza
No. 10/2004: Estimating the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: How Important are Sampling and Omitted Variable Biases? Yuko Kinoshita and Nauro F. Campos
No. 9/2004: Equilibrium exchange rates in the transition: The tradable price-based real appreciation and estimation uncertainty Balázs Égert and Kirsten Lommatzsch
No. 8/2004: Privatization matters: Bank efficiency in transition countries PublishedJohn P. Bonin, Iftekhar Hasan and Paul Wachtel
No. 7/2004: Bank performance, efficiency and ownership in transitition countries John P. Bonin, Iftekhar Hasan and Paul Wachtel
No. 6/2004: Financing choices of firms in EU accession countries Eugene Nivorozhkin
No. 5/2004: Observations on disinflation in transition economies Paul Wachtel and Iikka Korhonen
No. 4/2004: Endogenous time preference, investment and development traps Pertti Haaparanta and Mikko Puhakka
No. 3/2004: Price variability and the speed of adjustment to the law of one price: Evidence from Slovakia Julius Horvath and Stanislav Vidovic
No. 2/2004: Distortion costs and effects of price liberalisation in Russian energy markets: A CGE analysis Leena Kerkelä
No. 1/2004: Assessing equilibrium exchange rates in CEE acceding countries: Can we have DEER with BEER without FEER? A critical survey of the literature Balázs Égert
Programing by Design by Joachim Ekebom