No 19/2024: Claudia Goldin: Nobel Laureate 2023 and Her Impact on Understanding Women’s Position in the Labour Market
Astrid Kunze
No 18/2024: Health dynamics, life expectancy heterogeneity, and the racial gap in Social Security wealth
Richard Foltyn and Jonna Olsson
No 17/2024: Fairness in a Society of Unequal Opportunities
Alexander Cappelen, Yiming Liu, Hedda Nielsen and Bertil Tungodden
No 16/2024: To hide or not to hide? How fear and futility affect the decision to report a mistake
Malte Baader, Sarah Bowen, Anna Hochleitner and Richard Mills
No 15/2024: Creating pro-environmental behavior change: Economic incentives or norm-nudges?
Mathias Ekström, Hallgeir Sjåstad and Kjetil Bjorvatn
No 14/2024: Exposure to diversity, social proximity and ingroup bias
Daniel Carvajal
No 13/2024: Worker Power, Immigrant Sorting, and Firm Dynamics
Mikko Silliman and Alexander Willén
No 12/2024: Cross-border shopping of alcohol – What is the effect on tax revenue and sales and which products are most affected?
Richard Friberg, Frode Steen and Simen Aardal Ulsaker
No 11/2024: Fertility, Partner Choice, and Human Capital
Eirik B. Abel, Aline Bütikofer and Kjell Gunnar Salvanes
No 10/2024: Insurance against Income Shocks, Parental Investments, and Child Development
Pedro Carneiro, Kjell Gunnar Salvanes and Emma Tominey
No 9/2024: Fairness Preferences and Default Effects
Justin Valasek, Pauline Vorjohann and Weijia Wang
No 8/2024: Asymmetric cost transmission and market power in retail gasoline markets
Ritvana Rrukaj and Frode Steen
No 7/2024: Choosing Between Causal Interpretations: An Experimental Study
Sandro Ambuehl and Heidi Christina Thysen
No 6/2024: Competition and Price Discrimination in International Transportation
Anna Ignatenko
No 5/2024: Convergence between the Baltic and the Nordic economies: Some reflections based on new data for the Baltic countries
Lars Christian Bruno and Ola Honningdal Grytten
No 4/2024: Innocuous Exam Features? The Impact of Answer Placement on High-Stakes Test Performance and College Admissions
Catalina Franco and Erika Povea
No 3/2024: Will Artificial Intelligence Get in the Way of Achieving Gender Equality?
Daniel Carvajal, Catalina Franco and Siri Isaksson
No 2/2024: Does increasing inequality threaten social stability? Evidence from the lab
Abigail Barr, Anna Hochleitner and Silvia Sonderegger
No 1/2024: Smartphone Bans, Student Outcomes and Mental Health
Sara Abrahamsson
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