No 2004:13: Choosing a GP - Experiences from the implementation of a list patient system in Norway
Hilde Lurås
No 2004:12: Taking Absurd Theories Seriously 3 essays on Rational Choice Theory and Welfare Analysis
Ole Jørgen Røgeberg
No 2004:11: Medical errors: Mandatory reporting, voluntary reporting, or both?
Sverre Grepperud
No 2004:10: Compensating differentials for nurses
Erik Magnus Sæther
No 2004:9: Nurses’ labor supply with endogenous choice of care level and shift type A nested discrete choice model with nonlinear income
Erik Magnus Sæther
No 2004:8: The Importance of Municipality Characteristics for Cancer Survival in Norway: A Multilevel Analysis
Øystein Kravdal
No 2004:7: Will increased wages increase nurses' working hours in the health care sector?
Erik Magnus Sæther
No 2004:6: INTORG - De somatiske sykehusenes interne organisering. - En kartlegging av 50 somatiske sykehus i Norge i 2003
Lars Erik Kjekshus
No 2004:5: De syke pleierne En analyse av sykefravær blant sykepleiere og hjelpepleiere
Elisabeth Fevang
No 2004:4: Påvirker forsknings- og undervisningsinnsatsen kostnadseffektiviteten ved norske sykehus? Analyse av paneldata 1999-2001
Fredrik Niklas Piro
No 2004:3: Valuation of life: a study using discrete choice analysis
Weichen Zhu
No 2004:2: Individual and household value of mortality reductions with intrahousehold bargaining
Jon Strand
No 2004:1: General Practice: Four Empirical Essays on GP Behaviour and Individuals’ Preferences for GPs
Hilde Lurås
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