Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics

HERO Online Working Paper Series,
University of Oslo, Health Economics Research Programme

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

No 2002:19: Fysioterapitjenesten i Asker og Bærum - Kvalitet, tilgjengelighet og effektivitet
Sverre A.C. Kittelsen and Erik H. Roseng

No 2002:18: Hva betyr forskning, utdanning og reisetid for sykehusenes kostnader?
Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Jon Magnussen and Fredrik Niclas Piro

No 2002:17: The moral relevance of personal characteristics in setting health care priorities
Jan Abel Olsen, Jeff Ricardson, Paul Dolan and Paul Mentzel

No 2002:16: An inquiry into the size of health charities: The case of Norwegian patient organisations
Jan Abel Olsen and Jan Inge Eidem

No 2002:15: What is best and at what cost? Cross-national differences in the treatment of ageing-related diseases Norwegian perspective from a comparative OECD-project
Grete Botten and Terje P. Hagen

No 2002:14: Beregning av tilgjengelighetsindeks til spesialisthelsetjenester på kommunenivå
Gry Stine Kopperud

No 2002:13: Deductibles in Health Insurance: Pay or Pain?
Geir B. Asheim, Tore Nilssen and Anne Wenche Emblem

No 2002:12: Statlige sykehus; Kan styrings-effektiviteten bedres?
Ståle Opedal and Inger Marie Stigen

No 2002:11: Budget deficits as devices for appropriating extra funds: An investigation of sharing rules
Sverre Grepperud

No 2002:10: Genetic testing and repulsion from chance
Michael Hoel, Tore Nilssen, Jon Vislie and Tor Iversen

No 2002:9: The impact of accessibility on the use of specialist health care in Norway
Tor Iversen and Gry Stine Kopperud

No 2002:8: The effect of activity-based financing on hospital efficiency: A panel data analysis of DEA efficiency scores 1992-2000
Erik Biørn, Terje P. Hagen, Tor Iversen and Jon Magnussen

No 2002:7: Reforming decentralized integrated health care systems: Theory and the case of the Norwegian reform
Kjeld Møller Pedersen

No 2002:6: Bruk av paneldatametoder til å belyse allmennlegers henvisningsmønster
Hilde Lurås and Eline Aas

No 2002:5: Sykehuslegenes holdninger til kjøp av helsetjenester i utlandet
Grete Botten, Sølve Mikal Nerland and Terje P. Hagen

No 2002:4: Redistribution at the hospital
Anne Wenche Emblem

No 2002:3: A cancer survival model that takes sociodemographic variations in 'normal' mortality into account: comparison with other models
Øystein Kravdal

No 2002:2: Public- and private-good values of statistical lives Results from a combined choice-experiment and contingent-valuation survey
Jon Strand

No 2002:1: De somatiske sykehusenes interne organisering En kartlegging av 58 somatiske sykehus i Norge, 1999 og 2001
Lars Erik Kjekshus, Sølve Mikal Nerland, Grete Botten and Terje P. Hagen

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
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Questions (including download problems) about the papers in this series should be directed to Kristi Brinkmann Lenander ()
Report other problems with accessing this service to Sune Karlsson ().

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