No 640: PARENTAL INVESTMENTS IN CHILD HEALTH – the importance of paternalistic altruism, child egoism and short-sightedness
Kristian Bolin and Björn Lindgren
No 639: Social Distortion in Weight Perception: A Decomposition of the Obesity Epidemic
Paolo Nicola Barbieri
No 638: Education and HIV incidence among young women: causation or selection?
Dick Durevall, Annika Lindskog and Gavin George
No 637: Providing Advice to Job Seekers at Low Cost: An Experimental Study on On-Line Advice
Michele Belot, Philipp Kircher and Paul Muller
No 636: Strategic Delegation and Non-cooperative International Permit Markets
Wolfgang Habla and Ralph Winkler
No 635: Resource Windfalls and Local Government Behaviour: Evidence From a Policy Reform in Indonesia
Ola Olsson and Michele Valsecchi
No 634: Architecture of the EU Emissions Trading System in Phase 3 and the Distribution of Allowance Asset Values
Åsa Löfgren, Dallas Burtraw, Markus Wråke and Anna Malinovskaya
No 633: The Pioneers’ Arguments for Formulating Economic Problems Mathematically
Bo Sandelin
No 632: Modelling Household Cooking Fuel Choice: a Panel Multinomial Logit Approach
Yonas Alem, Abebe D. Beyene, Gunnar Köhlin and Alemu Mekonnen
No 631: International Remittances and Private Inter-household Transfers: Exploring the Links
Yonas Alem and Lisa Andersson
No 630: Improving Welfare through Climate-friendly Agriculture: The Case of the System of Rice Intensification
Yonas Alem, Håkan Eggert and Remidius Ruhinduka
No 629: Grit Trumps Talent? An experimental approach
Leonie Gerhards and Christina Gravert
No 628: Land Certification and Schooling in Rural Ethiopia
Heather Congdon Fors, Kenneth Houngbedji and Annika Lindskog
No 627: Estimating the Relationship between Skill and Overconfidence
Jan Feld, Jan Sauermann and Andries De Grip
No 626: Strategic environmental regulation of multiple pollutants
Stefan Ambec and Jessica Coria
No 625: Why Unions Reduce Wage Inequality, II: The Relation between Solidarity and Unity
Johan Stennek
No 624: Do the land-poor gain from agricultural investments? Empirical evidence from Zambia using panel data
Pelle Ahlerup and Sven Tengstam
No 623: Remittances and Relative Concerns in Rural China
Alpaslan Akay, Olivier B. Bargain, Corrado Giulietti, Juan D. Robalinod and Klaus F. Zimmermann
No 622: Politics in the Courtroom: Political Ideology and Jury Decision Making
Shamena Anwar Anwar, Patrick Bayer and Randi Hjalmarsson
No 621: Keeping up with the Joneses, the Smiths and the Tanakas: On International Tax Coordination and Social Comparisons
Thomas Aronsson and Olof Johansson-Stenman
No 620: Long-Run Cultural Divergence: Evidence From the Neolithic Revolution
Ola Olsson and Christopher Paik
No 619: Testing preference formation in learning design contingent valuation (LDCV) using advanced information and repetitivetreatments
Claudia Aravena, W. George Hutchinson, Fredrik Carlsson and David I Matthews
No 618: Spending time together? Effects on the retirement decision from partner’s labour market status
Anders Boman
No 617: Intuitive cooperation refuted: Commentary on Rand et al. (2012) and Rand et al. (2014)
Kristian Ove R. Myrseth and Conny E. Wollbrant
No 616: Divergence in Stakeholders’ Preferences: Evidence from a Choice Experiment on Forest Landscapes Preferences in Sweden
Anna Nordén, Jessica Coria, Anna Maria Jönsson, Fredrik Lagergren and Veiko Lehsten
No 615: Are Fairtrade Prices Fair? An Analysis of the Distribution of Returns in the Swedish Coffee Market
Dick Durevall
No 614: Environmental Policy and the Size Distribution of Firms
Jessica Coria and Efthymia Kyriakopoulou
No 613: Refugee immigration and public finances in Sweden
Joakim Ruist
No 612: Fighting Corruption in Education: What Works and Who Benefits?
Oana Borcan, Mikael Lindahl and Andreea Mitrut
No 611: Back To Bentham: Should We? LargeScale Comparison of Decision versus Experienced Utility for IncomeLeisure Preferences
Alpaslan Akay, Olivier Bargain and H. Xavier Jara
No 610: On The Strategic Effect of International Permits Trading on Local Pollution: The Case of Multiple Pollutants
Fabio Antoniou and Efthymia Kyriakopoulou
No 609: Carbon Pricing: Transaction Costs of Emissions Trading vs. Carbon Taxes
Jessica Coria and Jurate Jaraite
No 608: The Harrington Paradox Squared
Jessica Coria and Xiao-Bing Zhang
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