No 2024/11: Acqui-hiring and deep-tech ventures: Evidence from Sweden
Jing Xiao and Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand
No 2024/10: Municipalities’ role in regional development: Navigating subsidiarity, place-based approaches, and geographical variation.
Markus Grillitsch, Linda Stihl and Brita Hermelin
No 2024/9: Circular transitions in global production networks? A multi-scalar approach to anticipating socio-economic and socio-environmental effects of ‘x-shoring’
Jonathan Friedrich, Linda Stihl and Markus Grillitsch
No 2024/8: A global patent dataset for the bioeconomy
Lukas Kriesch and Sebastian Losacker
No 2024/7: A human-centric approach to energy justice: Embedding agency and capabilities in transitions discourse
Stuti Haldar, Markus Grillitsch and Amir Bazaz
No 2024/6: The rescaling of institutional rationalities for shaping opportunity spaces
Andrea Käsbohrer, Markus Grillitsch and Hans-Martin Zademach
No 2024/5: Untangling regional opportunity spaces: The role of narratives and place leadership
Max Roessler, Markus Grillitsch, Johan Miörner and Daniel Schiller
No 2024/4: Political leaders as agents in regional development
Giuseppe Calignano and Trond Nilsen
No 2024/3: Rules of attraction: Networks of innovation policy makers in the EU
Mart Laatsit and Ron Boschma
No 2024/2: ‘Making’ in India: Understanding Makerspaces and Fablabs in the Indian Informal Innovation Context
Gautam Sharma
No 2024/1: Innovation policy as an instrument for driving transformation – lessons from practice
Sofia Avdeitchikova and Sylvia Schwaag Serger
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