No 30: America’s Toll Roads Heritage: The Achievements of Private Initiative in the 19th Century
Daniel Klein and John Majewski
No 29: Mere Libertarianism: Blending Hayek and Rothbard
Daniel Klein
No 28: Do Off-Label Drug Practices Argue Against FDA Efficacy Requirements? Testing an Argument by Structured Conversations with Experts
Daniel Klein and Alexander Tabarrok
No 27: Does Belief in Ethical Subjectivism Pose a Challenge to Classical Liberalism?
Niclas Berggren
No 26: Svensk ekonomisk tillväxt: utveckling och fördelning
Rodney Edvinsson
No 25: Does free trade really reduce growth? Further testing using the economic freedom index
Niclas Berggren and Henrik Jordahl
No 24: Bringing Institutions Into Evolutionary Economics: Another View with Links to Changes in Physical and Social Technologies
Pavel Pelikan
No 23: Deflation and Japan Revisited
Richard C.B. Johnsson
No 22: The Exit of Pharmacia and Regional Growth
Ann-Charlotte Fridh
No 21: Titanium Implants – A Comparison of a Swedish and an Ohio Firm
Ann-Charlotte Fridh
No 20: Skatterna, företagandet och tillväxten
Gunnar Du Rietz and Dan Johansson
No 19: Securing Constitutional Government: The Perpetual Challenge
Suri Ratnapala
No 18: Property Rights and Economic Growth
Nathan Rosenberg
No 4: The Benefits of Economic Freedom: A Survey
Niclas Berggren
No 1: The Frailty of Economic Reforms: Political Logic and Constitutional Lessons
Niclas Berggren
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