No 2005:24: Will I see you at work? Ethnic workplace segregation in Sweden 1985–2002*
Olof Åslund and Oskar Nordström Skans
No 2005:23: Real and nominal wage adjustment in open economies
Anders Forslund, Nils Gottfries and Andreas Westermark
No 2005:22: Do benefit hikes damage job finding? Evidence from Swedish unemployment insurance reforms
Helge Bennmarker, Kenneth Carling and Bertil Holmlund
No 2005:21: Time out of work and skill depreciation
Per-Anders Edin and Magnus Gustavsson
No 2005:20: Municipal activation policy: A case study of the practical work with unemployed social assistance recipients
Katarina Hjertner Thorén
No 2005:19: Inequality and crime: separating the effects of permanent and transitory income
Matz Dahlberg and Magnus Gustavsson
No 2005:18: Stepping-stones or dead-ends? An analysis of Swedish replacement contracts
Laura Larsson, Linus Lindqvist and Oskar Nordström Skans
No 2005:17: Causal effects of subsidized career breaks
Oskar Nordström Skans and Linus Liljeberg
No 2005:16: Swedish evidence on the impact of cognitive and non-cognitive ability on earnings – an extended pre-market factor approach
Johnny Zetterberg
No 2005:15: Monitoring sickness insurance claimants: evidence from a social experiment
Patrik Hesselius, Per Johansson and Laura Larsson
No 2005:14: Are objective, official measures of disability reliable?
Per Johansson and Per Skedinger
No 2005:13: Optimal unemployment insurance design: time limits, monitoring, or workfare?
Peter Fredriksson and Bertil Holmlund
No 2005:12: Measuring conditional segregation: methods and empirical examples
Olof Åslund and Oskar Nordström Skans
No 2005:11: Social experiments and intrumental variables with duration outcomes
Jaap H Abbring and Gerard J van den Berg
No 2005:10: External effects of education on earnings: Swedish evidence using matched employee-establishment data
Gunnar Isacsson
No 2005:9: Labor market prospects search intensity and the transition from college to work
Bas van der Klaauw, Aico van Vuuren and Peter Berkhout
No 2005:8: Ethnic enclaves and welfare cultures - quasi-experimental evidence
Olof Åslund and Peter Fredriksson
No 2005:7: School choice and segregation: evidence from an admission reform
Martin Söderström and Roope Uusitalo
No 2005:6: Separating uncertainty from heterogeneity in life cycle earnings
Flavio Cunha, James Heckman and Salvador Navarro
No 2005:5: Effects of decentralization on school resources
Åsa Ahlin and Eva Mörk
No 2005:4: Covariate selection for non-parametric estimation of treatment effects
Xavier de Luna and Ingeborg Waernbaum
No 2005:3: Labor market discrimination and racial differences in premarket factors
Pedro Carneiro, James Heckman and Dimitriy Masterov
No 2005:2: Does cooperation improve implementation? Central-local governnment relations in active labour market policy in Sweden
Martin Lundin
No 2005:1: Personnel training: a theoretical and empirical review
Thomas Ericson
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